Single File: Save Websites To A Single HTML File In Chrome

Martin Brinkmann
May 26, 2011
Updated • Apr 28, 2015
Google Chrome, Google Chrome extensions

Nearly every modern web browser has an option to save a web page as a HTML file. The only problem with that approach is that the websites do not get saved as a single file but as multiple files. While that may not be a problem for saving a handful of sites, it could become one if you save web pages regularly, or if you want to share those saved pages. It would be a lot easier to save websites as a single file.

Firefox users can save websites with the Mozilla Archive Format extension, Internet Explorer users the built-in option to save websites as mht files. And then there are browser independent services like Joliprint to turn web pages into PDF documents.

Single File for Google Chrome adds a new tool to the Chrome browser that offers to save complete websites as single HTML files. The Single File extension relies on another extension from the same developer, which means that chrome users need to install both to make use of it. That feels a bit strange and is probably not the optimal way of offering the extension.

Start with the installation of Single File and complete the process with the installation of Single File Core afterwards. The extension adds a single button to the Chrome browser which modifies the website so that it can be saved as a single file. The pages are only prepared but not automatically saved. This can be changed in the options.

If you do not enable the option you need to save pages manually. The easiest option to do that is to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-s. Websites are stored in the Chrome profile directory if the automatic save option is enabled, or individually if they are saved manually.

The extension removes scripts and objects from the websites when it is activated. Those are usually not needed when a website is saved but there are options to include scripts and objects so that the website is not altered in any way. Scripts and objects include advertisement banners, embedded media like videos or counters.

The core benefit of Single File is that you can save a website as a single HTML file. Even better, since it is a HTML file it can be viewed in other modern browsers as well.

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  1. roy said on February 10, 2016 at 7:57 pm

    what kind of fuckin language are you speaking steve?

  2. steve said on December 23, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Why extensions and why messing around and philosofe about it ??? This as many other things should be supported integrated by default into context menu of any browser !!! And not to make a master degree on it !!!

  3. Anonymous said on August 23, 2011 at 10:20 pm

    Thankyou, I was looking for somehting like this forever.
    A question , is there an option from which i can save all tabs together?

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