Network Monitoring Software Look@Lan

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 11, 2008
Updated • Nov 15, 2017

Look@Lan is a highly acclaimed network monitoring software for Microsoft's Windows operating systems. It provides network management and network monitoring features in an easy to use interface.

One of the main features of the network monitoring software is the ability to automatically scan a network using a network adapter, device or selected IP range. The software will scan the selected range and displays all connected computers and devices after the scan in its interface. The scan itself is very fast.

A click on a network device opens the Proof Scan window that offers access to information such as Ping, Traceroute, Netbios, running network services and SNMP System plus additional links to advanced traceroutes and a graphical ping view.

Other features of the network monitoring software include a hierarchical view of the network, a search, graphs and network trapping. Trapping will alert the user of network status changes, for example when a network device goes online of offline.

One network management feature is the generation of network status reports which are saved in html format. They display a detailed view of IP addresses including graphs.

Update: The Look@Lan project has been discontinued by its developers. The program is no longer updated and the website has been taken down.

The developers have released a new program called Fing, which in its current development stage, is a command line utility for network and service discovery. Unlike Look@Lan which has only been available for windows, Fing is also available for other platforms including various Linux distributions, Mac OS X and the Android operating system.

Fing's developers have promised that they will release a version with a graphical user interface in the future. The latest version of Fing can be downloaded from the project homepage. I suggest you check out the documentation posted there to get started.

Update: Fing has been discontinued as well. We have uploaded the latest release version of Look@Lan to our own download server for archiving purposes. You can download it with a click on the following link: (Download Removed)

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  1. raja De said on October 13, 2008 at 11:49 am

    want a free version

  2. km said on August 11, 2008 at 6:38 pm

    I has been using for Look@Lan for year now. Very useful network monitoring for network administrator

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