
It can be challenging keeping up to date with hardware and PC specs, as they change daily as new components become available. Not only will we share what’s new on the market, but we’ll keep you abreast of how to improve performance and resources.

Full HD? That Is So Yesterday! Get Ready For 4K

Chance is that the majority of friends, colleagues and relatives do not make use of the full HD TV technology yet. DVD sales do still top Blu-Ray sales by a large margin, […]

eBook Readers: Read It Right With These Gizmos

If you want to read a book these days, you know there’s an app for that. But if you want something that is not as straining on your eye and something that […]

Amazon Kindle International Version review

I have longed for an ebook reader for some time, but the most popular one - the Amazon Kindle - has long been reserved solely for the US market. Whilst it has […]

New All-In-One And Tablets From Acer

Ever since Asus brought out their Eee PC range, Acer has been right behind it in the race to bring out those new things. You might have noticed that Acer tends to […]

Entourage eDGe DualBook Is A Netbook, eBook Reader and Notepad All In One

Say hello to the eDGe, the name that I cannot write without MS Word auto correcting the hell out of me. This is a device that gives convergence a whole new side. […]

The Best Nettops Around Right Now

Nettops are all the rage right now, and with good reason too! For around $330-$400 you can get desktops that will do all the basic things you want to do and they […]

New CMOS Camera Will Record Your Thoughts At 1,000,000 FPS

Scientists of the Megaframe project in Europe have developed a CMOS sensor so small that it can actually go inside a neuron channel and look at the thought signals in real time. […]

More Multitouch Headed Your Way

Forget buttons. Forget primitive touch strips that wouldn’t register your input half the time. Forget it all. Multitouch is the new way to roll if the multitude of new products is any […]


Phoenix Instant Boot

Computer boot time is a concern to many but not all users. Some do not seem to care if a computer boots up for a minute or more while others leave their […]

Ask The Readers: New Computer System Suggestions

My plan is to build a new computer system after Windows 7 is released to install the new operating system on it and retire my old Windows XP system. I have done […]

Computer Repair Flowcharts

Diagnosing computer problems can be a very time consuming process especially for computer users who have no or only basic computer repair process. These users only have a few options left if […]

Why Dedicated Media Players are still cool

With all the cell phones to come out in recent times packing video players, mp3 players and a whole host of other media functionalities, its not hard to see why MP3 players […]

Eco-Friendly Printer RiTi Suggests Coffee And Tea Instead Of Ink

The concept of the RiTi printer goes further than that. It does not require a power source for the actual printing process which is also something that traditional printers require. The printout […]

External Hard Drives: How do I Choose Which One to Buy

Lately, I've realized that my computer is full of data and is close to its limit. Normally, I burn data onto a CD or DVD and then delete it off my system. […]

Why you should not be an early adopter

Every so often you have a gadget or technological device that sets the wire news on fire. Recently we’ve been hearing much ado about Windows 7, iPhone 3GS, OSX Snow Leopard, SSD […]

Power Supply Calculator

You need to be aware of a few issues if you are building your own computer system or checking out pre-configured systems. Two of the most important issues are hardware compatibility and […]

Archos 9 Tablet

Archos has been known for making tablets for ages, but recently they have been turning heads with their talks about contributing something to the Android iniciative as well as working on a […]

Disney Netpal

It’s not everyday you see a partnership like this. But taking into consideration the current economic times, the popularity of the netbook as well as Disney’s quest to control the digital lives […]

Zero Display Service Error

I bought a new and shiny ATI HD 4870 video card today. Had been using an Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS for some time and figured that it was time to update. I […]

Sleep Talking Mode To Save Energy

Sleep Mode - which goes under the name standby, sleep or suspend depending on the operating system in use - has been created to save energy in situations where a computer system […]

USB 3.0: What You Need To Know About SuperSpeed USB

USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 are serial bus standards that connect devices to computer systems. Most users probably know USB from devices like external hard drives, keyboards, mice but also mobile devices […]

Things To Do When Your Motherboard OnBoard Lan Dies

The onboard LAN of my Gigabyte ep35-ds4 motherboard died just a few hours ago. Was surfing the Internet and suddenly connection errors showed up. That's bad as the onboard LAN is located […]

OCZ Z-Drive

One of the latest hardware trends seems to be to use multiple Solid State Drives (SSDs) in Raid setups. We already mentioned the 24 monster SSD Raid video that was uploaded to […]

80 Plus Power Supply Units

Saving energy is already a critical task in many parts of the world, and started to become a issue even in countries that did not have this on a high priority. Computer […]

Ask the Readers: Someone Gave Me a Laptop. Now What?

I had relatives from out of the country a little while ago and before they left, one of them decided to leave his laptop behind for me. It's an old model from […]

Samsung 24 SSD Raid Viral Marketing

How do you create buzz on the Internet? One of the most successful ways is a viral marketing campaign. Samsung thought of a great way of promoting the company's new 256GB MLC […]

OCZ Vertex Series 120GB SSD

While I'm overall pretty happy with the purchase of the OCZ Core Series II SATA Solid State Drive some disadvantages do come to light every now and then. This happens in situations […]

Optimize Windows For Solid State Drives Usage

It might take some years from now on before most new computers will be shipped with Solid State Drives instead of conventional platter driven hard drives but the change is inevitable. SSDs […]

Document Scanning With Digital Cameras

Document scanning can be done with digital cameras. The process is very similar to scanning documents with a scanner. Instead of using a scanner that is connected to the computer to scan […]

Samsung SS805 SSD

Solid State Drives (SSDs) have many advantages over conventional hard drives like their faster access time, lower power consumption and silence while running. The read speed of SSD drives can be compared […]

Should You Defragment A SSD?

So called SSD hard drives are becoming increasingly popular especially in the netbook sector. Solid State Drives have several distinctive advantages like faster access times, lower power usage and being completely silent […]

Calibrate Your Flat Screen Computer Monitor

Computer monitors usually require some manual adjustments after connecting them for the first time to a new PC, which is called calibration in tech jargon. My newly bought HP flat screen computer […]

Decrease the Noise Of LCD Displays

In the past two years I bought a 42" Samsung LCD television and a 24" HP computer monitor and experienced a buzzing sound emitting from both screens shortly after plugging them in […]

Intel Product Comparison Chart

If you have already decided that the next processor that you are buying will be an Intel processor but are yet undecided on the processor itself you might find the Intel Product […]

Have You Ever Built a Laptop Sleeve

Almost everyone owns a laptop these days. And every owner will tell you what a challenge it is to keep the laptop from the bumps and scratches that result when your laptop […]

Erase Data On CD Or DVD Permanently

Data CDs and DVDs that are no longer needed pose a few problems. Throwing them away could be a privacy risk because everyone who finds them could simply read them and discover […]

Can You Build a PC for Less Than $100?

I was reading The Simple Dollar where there was an interesting post on the cheapest fully functional PC a person could use. The post was sparked by the author's own experience of […]

Create Your Own USB Stick

Something interesting for the weekend. If you feel that the usual retail usb sticks are to boring you might want to give designing your own a try. You can do that at […]


Meet Emily -- Facial animations

I'm loosely following the technological advances in a few sectors that are not directly related to the topics I write about here on Ghacks. This includes advancement in new input technologies like […]

Bios Update Made Easy

Many users shy away from updating the computer bios of their motherboard probably because of the fear of damaging the motherboard irreparably. Methods have evolved in the last years and it is […]



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