If you use an adblocker, you need to read this!

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 18, 2024
Updated • Jun 19, 2024

A fundamental shift that concerns adblockers will happen in the next twelve months. You may have heard about Google ending support for the old ruleset for extensions in favor of a new one. Google, citing security, privacy, and performance for the change, has been heavily criticized for it.

One of the main objections is that content blockers will lose effectiveness once the change goes live. While Google did make adjustments to the new ruleset, it never addressed the main point of criticism that developers of adblockers had.

In short: while adblockers continue to remain available for Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers, they won't be the most effective tools anymore.

It is possible that some users won't notice a difference to before. If you do not use advanced options and keep most settings set to the defaults, you may be fine. This is however not the case for users who use advanced options.

In fact, the only browser that retains full content blocking capabilities for extensions is Firefox (and any Firefox fork also).

All Chromium-based browsers, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera, or Vivaldi, won't support best in class adblockers anymore. An extension like uBlock Origin, which is the adblocker that is regarded to be the cream of the crop, will be superior on Firefox going forward.

Chrome Adblocker

Many developers of Chromium-based browsers are not too happy about the change. Vivaldi, for instance, released a statement this week regarding the change. The team appears to be genuinely displeased by Google's decision and plans to keep on supporting the old ruleset for as long as possible.

The makers of Brave Browser also said that they will continue to support extensions that use the old ruleset.

Come mid-2025, it is very likely that all Chromium-based browser developers are forced to end support though. While it is theoretically possible that some find a way to keep on supporting old extensions, it would likely require dedicating development resources for that task.

Another thing to consider is that Google will remove all old extensions from the official Chrome Web Store eventually. Since it is the main source for extensions for all Chromium-based browsers, once has to wonder how well continued support would work anyway.

This change won't affect built-in content blockers. Some of these are quite good for the majority of tasks, but they are still not as good as uBlock Origin.

Vivaldi, Brave, or Opera support internal adblockers. You may need to enable them in the browser, but you do get a level of content blocking without having to install an extension.

What you may do

Your next action depends largely on the adblocker and browser that you are using:

  • If you use an adblocker extension in a Chromium-based browser, check if it supports the new ruleset (also known as Manifest V3). If it does, check if it supports all the features you need.
    • If the answer is no, you may consider switching to a browser that continues to support the extension (which is Firefox or one of its forks).
    • You may notice this automatically at one point, as Google will disable old extensions that do not support the new ruleset.
  • If you use an adblocker extension in Firefox, you do not have to do anything.
  • If you use a built-in adblocker in any browser, you do not have to do anything.

What about you? Are you worried about the upcoming change?

If you use an adblocker, you need to read this!
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If you use an adblocker, you need to read this!
A fundamental shift that concerns adblockers is going to happen in the next twelve months.
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  1. Anonymous said on June 24, 2024 at 10:02 pm

    People for some reason are very stupid and don’t seem to understand what a Firewall is for, and with modern web browsers like Firefox and Brave this is a huge security/privacy vulnerability. Without an on-demand firewall to empower you to be able to allow or deny each outgoing connection from your web browser you have no privacy or security. You must only allow what IP addresses the website needs to connect and deny all of the rest. At first your browser will try to make these unsolicited connections randomly and you must permanently block all of them, restarting the browser many times to get more to pop up. Eventually over the next few weeks it should slow way down as it runs out of IPs to try. Good luck!

    1. Tony Hancock said on July 23, 2024 at 8:43 pm

      It’s a good idea for those of us who know how to do it, and are geeky enough to use the time to make it work.

      I don’t think that’s more than .01% of internet users, however. Which is why it isn’t a solution that’ll make a difference.

  2. Tim said on June 21, 2024 at 3:23 pm

    System is messy when trying to comment on all these multiple ‘anonymous’. Please pick some sort of handle people and stick with it, a login is not required here.

    But back to it. Re V3 manifest. You said it yourself. Lack of regexp is a huge thing. If you (pretend that you) do not understand why then you are at best are not qualified to comment on the matter or just out to be obstructive.
    It is much bigger than mere “wildcards” with ‘*’, like ‘*.ghacks.net’ and allowing for better targetting. Naturally the big advertising and tracking company that just to happens to make the browser does not like addblockers to have that kind of power to wield against itself and its actual customers (hint hint, the ordinary end users are not it), you know those that give them heaps of money for advertizing and info on users.

  3. TelV said on June 21, 2024 at 9:49 am

    Well, I suppose Firefox is one of the lesser evils on the block, but let’s not pretend that Mozilla respects your privacy which for me at least, is far more important than a few ads scattered here and there.

    On the subject of privacy compromising browsers, one of which is Firefox this article is well worth a read: https://unixdigest.com/articles/choose-your-browser-carefully.html#firefox

    I use Firefox myself, but primarily Floorp. But I’ve noticed just lately that Malwarebytes is blocking Cloudflare.ipfs.io on both Firefox and Floorp even though I use Mullvad VPN which has nothing to do with Cloudflare as far as I’m aware.

    Last but not least, everybody in the Western world at least owns a smartphone. The choice between the two evils are Apple and Android. Even if you go with one of the latest Android devices which use a clean version of Android which are reportedly bloatware free, the manufacturer will still be looking over your shoulder and recording everything you do. One such device is the Nothing phone which is as bad, if not worse than Microsoft Edge for what is records: https://nl.nothing.tech/pages/privacy-policy Pity since it was on my wish list for my next phone.

    1. Anonymous said on June 22, 2024 at 5:21 pm

      Also in the same article under privacy respecting browsers.


  4. Stu said on June 20, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    Firefox here since downloading:
    2004-02-15 10:05 PM 6,500,352 FirefoxSetup-0.8.exe

    Now using Nightly, 2 steps ahead of Firefox release, to get all the latest. I’ve been using Nightly for 5 plus years with no issues. Could be longer or a little less time. Covid times seem to have disturbed my memory for past dates timing. Still remember, just fuzzy on dates that aren’t critical.

    I’m using uBlock & Duckduckgo Privacy essentials. I almost never see ads

    Anyway, Firefox forever for me. I’ve tried all the others but never switched away.

  5. Richard Steven Hack said on June 20, 2024 at 1:23 am

    Much as I hate Mozilla, I’m now glad I’ve stuck to Firefox (although I do have Chrome and Edge on the system as backups for the occasions when Firefox doesn’t work well for some reason.)

    It’s time to file an antitrust case against the big tech companies and break them up.

    1. Paul(us) said on June 20, 2024 at 10:54 am

      Maybe an Idea Richard Steven Hack to look also at Floorp!

      P.s. is this you with – What you need to survive the coming future? https://richardstevenhack.substack.com/

      1. Judge Holden said on June 20, 2024 at 6:27 pm

        It’s kind of creepy you decided to backsearch him.

  6. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 11:34 pm

    I use a fresh profile of any browser (no adblockers) + a decent hosts file blocking domains + block around 300 IP’s and depending on the online adblock test get somewhere between 97 – 100%. Obviously doesn’t work with Youtube otherwise you end up blocking the actual domain itself.

  7. John G. said on June 19, 2024 at 7:41 pm

    I love the way how people complicate their lives, thinking they need to have an ad blocker that restricts everything. I use UblockOrigin with the basic filters and I practically don’t see any ads, and the few I do see don’t affect my browsing at all. It is installing the extension and not doing anything more, just using it from scratch and it works for everything that I need. I have visited hundreds of pages that are usually full of ads, such as British and Spanish newspapers, and I hardly see any ads neither web annoyances. Is it really that so annoying to see a couple of unexpected ads, really? I don’t understand why everything has to be perfect, because the V3 manifest doesn’t say that an ad blocker doesn’t work anymore, who said that by God’s sake? There are pages on the Internet that allow you to test your ad blocker and UblockOrigin actually blocks 100% of them out of the box, with the minimum filters activated as standard. A couple of my friends have UblockOrigin with dozens and dozens of filters enabled and I really think it’s a complete waste of time, CPU, RAM and mental effort. Thanks by the way for this article! :]

  8. Craig said on June 19, 2024 at 2:36 pm

    I use Ungoogled Chromium, so I expect this change will happen, despite my preferences.

    Besides Ublock Origin, I also have a Raspberry Pi with Adgard DNS on it, so with my router pointed to the Raspberry Pi, it blocks ads as well.

    I think in the future we may have to have multiple ways to block ads, not just one solution.

    Or maybe stop visiting sites that have the worst ads, which is what used to happen before the days of good ad blockers.

    Or if it really bothers you that much, go either code up or customize your own Chromium browser, and do not follow this new manifest rules.

    Complaining does not do anything, only action speaks loudly.

  9. pHROZEN gHOST said on June 19, 2024 at 2:05 pm

    It’s all about money. Money owns and controls everything including the politicians we elect to run our lives.

    1. penny said on June 20, 2024 at 2:01 am

      i mean including you right? do you consider yourself apart of the problem and evil etc? if not why? because there are some things you infact dont do for money? ok i mean isnt that everyone? lemme ask you, what have you really done to help other people or your community. what have you really sacrificed for others sake? then why do you sit there and judge without knowing real information with strong biases

  10. Joe H said on June 19, 2024 at 1:11 pm

    Is using a VPN that blocks ads a useful alternative?

    1. Anonymous said on June 27, 2024 at 12:12 am

      A VPN shouldn’t be able to tamper with the data sent thru HTTPS.

    2. zech said on June 19, 2024 at 2:49 pm

      If you have a trustworthy VPN that has effective blocklists, yes. I trust and use Mullvad, which has 6 non-configurable (they’re just On or Off) sets of blocklists: Ads, Trackers, Malware, Gambling, Adult, Social Media. So you don’t get thedetailed options you get with uBO, but it’s easily good enough for most users. Plus this covers your whole machine, not just the browser.

      But switching to Firefox + uBO solves the problem for free, and gives you better granularity.

  11. Bobo said on June 19, 2024 at 9:38 am

    Firefox have now managed to fix the obvious sabotage that Google is responsible for, regarding Firefox issues with YouTube playback: https://images2.imgbox.com/4c/ae/5dP51AoD_o.png
    What a lowlife company. You basically already have a monopoly but that’s not enough, you greedy ,filthy, fat pig. Die in a flaming carcrash. Scum.

    1. Tony Hancock said on July 23, 2024 at 8:09 pm

      I love your message of peace, love and harmony to all mankind.

    2. Richard Steven Hack said on June 20, 2024 at 1:24 am

      I like your attitude. I agree.

  12. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 7:08 am

    Martin, why don’t you mention the most important alternative browser there is, the one that Google will never manage to conquer ? Lynx

    People: drop the Chrome shit and switch to Lynx and you will be free of Ads forever. Lynx is time proven, it’s the by far most secure browser out there, it’s available for all common platforms (except Temple OS), it’s extremely lightweight, it’s open source and it’s of course free (as in free beer). Just ask your local IT guru about it.

    Given if all that is not for you, then Firefox is of course the browser of choice, at least as long as he is hardened, but you should really, really, really give Lynx a try, and if it is just to understand, what’s actually possible.

    1. Tony Hancock said on July 23, 2024 at 7:58 pm

      Lynx is a nice project and I love that it exists. But unfortunately, it’s not really useful as a browser in 2024.

      An enhanced and updated Dillo would probably be better.

    2. m3city said on June 19, 2024 at 9:53 am

      Sorry man, but lynx is not an alternative. Visual part of information (image, diagram, icons) is as important as text itselt, so using a browser that exposes text only is like talking with person using chatbox – you don’t get full information (body language etc). And I’m not sure if word “using” is appropriate for Lynx. Learning curve is sooo steep, and I do use CLI from time to time. And if it fails to open a https page due to “not supported” then my next step was a classic, double click on uninstall icon.

    3. Bobo said on June 19, 2024 at 9:40 am

      Not for Temple OS? Then I’ll pass. Can’t be bothered with amateurs.

      1. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 10:37 pm

        Also doesn’t run on Red Star OS

      2. Anonymous said on June 21, 2024 at 4:57 pm

        Oh .. OF COURSE does Lynx also run on the widely popular Red Star OS (which is just a very screwed Linux variant).

        I mean, if Lynx wouldn’t run on Red Star OS, how else should I browse the internet for sexy pictures of my beloved glorious leader Kim Jong Boom ?

      3. Anonymous said on June 21, 2024 at 7:50 pm

        The question everyone should be asking, does it run on Hannah Montana OS?

      4. Anonymous said on June 22, 2024 at 4:06 pm

        There are things that just shouldn’t exist.

    4. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 9:30 am

      What is this ad? Get lost.

  13. Clara said on June 19, 2024 at 5:37 am

    Meanwhile with AdGuard ?

    AdGuard publishes the world’s first ad blocker built on Manifest V3


    1. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 9:34 am

      Inferior to ublock on Firefox. Cope more.

  14. 12bytes said on June 19, 2024 at 5:17 am

    > Even more browser diversity would be great.

    indeed! Chrome is not an option for those seeking privacy and as much as i dislike Mozilla as a company, i’m still forced to use and recommend Firefox because there’s nothing else out there other than perhaps a few Firefox forks, primarily LibreWolf

    and because of the cluster-fuck that is the “modern web” and the complexities involved, i think it’s become difficult or impossible for a small team to build a capable browser, therefore i think we’re stuck with corporate sponsored projects

    that said, at least Firefox intends on continuing support for mv2 …. for now

  15. samurai cat said on June 19, 2024 at 4:46 am

    Either Firefox will see a grand return, or most people will switch to Brave Browser. Either way, it is over for Chrome Browser soon, except for Chromium. Chrome Browser can lose lot of marketshare soon, if most people are awake.

    1. m3city said on June 19, 2024 at 9:55 am

      No it’s not the end. Regulars don’t give a tiny rats ass about browser they use. Look at popularity and expanse – no, no expanse – total conquer of androidcrap smartphones.

  16. Tachy said on June 19, 2024 at 4:18 am

    Funny shit, you post a screenshot showing possibly illegal extension in use.

    1. Tony Hancock said on July 22, 2024 at 2:02 pm

      I don´t get it, which extension are you talking about?

  17. Palemoon said on June 19, 2024 at 4:17 am

    Another browser outside the established big browsers living in the shadow is Palemoon
    A Firefox fork which is frequently maintained and updated, and available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Linux, and even Free BSD.

    They have a whole bunch of extensions which are rewritten/forked to work with Palemoon

    such as uBlock origin

    and uMatrix

    It may be a viable option at least for watching YT videos.

    1. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 10:40 pm


      The problem at hand is not cookies at all so making a case here is quite a strawman argument, the argument is pretty rotten where you are concerned with just a mouse click to “accept cookies” on EU web pages which takes like… 1 second?, but on the other hand don’t seem to be interested finding a solution (Palemoon?) to watch YouTube videos without being interrupted for up to minutes by ads that can’t be bypassed, hello… anybody home?
      And why would you use an app sold Gen Digital Inc.???


      Users have to be made aware of alternatives.

    2. Bobo said on June 19, 2024 at 10:25 am

      No “I still don’t care about cookies”, no thanks then. The one they do have is owned by AVAST, the great Satan.

    3. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 9:36 am

      Buy an ad. Don’t write here.

  18. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 2:53 am

    I am sorry, but while MV3 is not what ‘Everyone wants’…. can you, the author explain to me What adblocking rule(s) is not going to be supported by MV3 because of MV3, that it is supported in Mv2 and needed and without it MV3 makes adblocking in MV3 or not effective?

    You can complain about the DNR limits and make some mathematics and have a proper article raising the same questions many people are, how the limits will affect people, what are static and dynamic rules and in what situations MV3 will not matter, but in some situations for some developers it will. (for example DDG says the limits are problematic for the way they need to add like 300K domains to upgrade to HTTPS)


    MV3 adblocking already support all the most relevant rules any MV2 supports, so there is no “less effective”

    ABP, which upgraded all of their users from MV2 to MV3 kept full compatibility with their rules, ABP while they had questionable features like premium features, acceptable ads, the annoying popup to ‘donate’ when extension gets upgraded… it is still a very capable adblocker for most people, it supports the most important rules and while it misses others like :style() / #?# { } to add any CSS declaration to any HTML element, it supports custom adblocker rules, custom lists, and all the previous supported rules.
    The Extension works fine, it is fast and blocks all the important ads and trackers

    So how is MV3 less effective if it works exactly as MV2? ABP even supports the ‘logger’ through devtools.

    Adguard supports a lot of features from their MV2, the problem is Adguard is failing at scriptlet injection, where it only works once, so you can see Youtube ads being blocked only when you refresh the page, but it is not MV3’s fault, it is Adguard’s fault.

    uBlock Lite, supports also great amount of rules, Procedural Cosmetics and all, but it doesn’t give us any logger or custom adblock rules or lists. So while it works, it is hard to use it as an advanced users that has custom made lists with thousands of rules.
    Since Adguard and ABP support custom lists and rules, it is not MV3’s fault why uBlock lite doesn’t support it.

    So what are exactly the ‘less effective’???

    There are other extensions that were affected by the whole MV3, for example tampermonkey started using few days ago the new userScript API, where people have to enable Extensions Dev Mode to use it, and they are okay with it. It works, it seems a good way to easily inject scripts without issues, and allow some remote coding injection.

    You should stick to the facts and maybe try to give proper information, because until people don’t show what rules exactly are not supported in MV3 for being MV3 and not because devs haven’t implemented them, then the whole “less effective” is an invalid claim.

    Adblockers is about lists which have rules, rules are either supported or unsupported.

    Just to give you an example, MV3 doesn’t allow regex with lookahead features, which means, some rules are not going to work, but rust language (Brave Adblocker) doesn’t support lookahead features in the regex crate, which caused issues, it wasn’t hard to make the rules compatible in Brave that uBlock MV2 uses. So that… while a limitation, is not the end of the world, because in the end Easylist will add individual domains as individual lists, even if uBlock can block them with a regex.

    So just like regex, maybe bring new limitations, not DNR, we already know they can be a relative limitation, if you use default lists, and you create your own rules, you shouldn’t have to have issues with limitations, unless people want to load strange lists that contain useless rules.

    The only decent native adblocker is Brave, and unless Firefox stays and supports MV2 forever, you know Mv3 will take over, many developers will drop their MV2 especially if they work decently enough.

    What do you think will happen to Tampermonkey? it will probably wait until Firefox supports userScript API and all that, but extension hasn’t been updated since May 5th, while Mv3 started to be used in June.
    They even recommend going to the stable Mv3 and not the legacy Mv2 they just added to Chromium store.

    So you should understand most devs will upgrade without complaining too much and move on. But MV3 doesn’t necessarily means the end of the world or less effectiveness, unless people start pushing and adding useless lists with tons of useless network request filters that the will never use.

    Adblocking is working fine with MV3, and I doubt it will not be improved. First improvements to the limits early this year and recently Google added a way for DNR extensions to skip the review of static rulesets, so they can be updated quickly if necessary, plus userScript API and all that which can be used by extensions and adblockers to inject the script in a ‘better’ way, at least the official one and not like Adguard that is failing at that for weeks and no fix yet.

    1. Tony Hancock said on July 22, 2024 at 1:56 pm


      Be brief mate, we don’t have all day.

    2. Bobo said on June 19, 2024 at 10:32 am

      You sure like to write very long rants about this. How about you go read very long explanations that uBlockOrigin and all the other adblockers developers have written about the MASSIVE differences between v2 and v3, instead of screaming here that there are no differences and that v3 is not less effective at all like some adblocking expert with years of developing experience. Do you think Martin would have written this article if it was completely meaningless regarding how adblockers will function in chromium based browsers in the future?

    3. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 9:37 am

      What a wall of text to shill Google.
      Are you work there?

  19. forge said on June 19, 2024 at 2:36 am

    The key line is “Come mid-2025, it is very likely that all Chromium-based browser developers are forced to end support though. While it is theoretically possible that some find a way to keep on supporting old extensions, it would likely require dedicating development resources for that task.”

    So even Brave and Vivaldi are on borrowed time here, unless someone wants to fork the Google-controlled-and-paid-for Chromium Project itself. Which I hope happens, but am not optimistic about.

    I use Firefox.

  20. cams1303 said on June 19, 2024 at 2:28 am

    Main Browser is FF with Ublock Origin, next is Brave that currently blocks Youtube ads just fine. Chrome has been uninstalled and I avoid Edge.

  21. Rick said on June 19, 2024 at 2:21 am

    Is anyone up on what Brave’s current plans are? The link above is a couple years old and things might have changed.

    Also, let’s not overlook that it’s not just ad blockers. If you use Stylus, for example, you may have a problem unless there’s further development of it.

    1. Steve said on June 26, 2024 at 1:50 pm

      Brave said the same as Vivaldi. They would support it for as long as it is feasible.

      The problem for both companies is they don’t control the codebase, so when it deviates far enough away they will have to drop support, or maintain significantly more code.

  22. gary7 said on June 19, 2024 at 12:34 am

    Capitalistic fascism. This is the final step of enshittification – when the decision makers are so far removed from the peons, we become subhuman things to be used and manipulated for their needs.

  23. ergo said on June 19, 2024 at 12:18 am

    I’m already one step ahead of advertisers, I got rid all electronic devices and move into a remote area in the mountains, I’ll live off the land for foreseeable future…

    but seriously how is this move not being called into question by EU? How is this not being treated as a conflict of interest. Google has gone a step too far in a direct attack on end user control. Google is flat out lying about being for end users. They forcefully making it more difficult for end users to have control over what they see on their screens. They sunk their claws into the internet as a hole, become a dominate player and they are smart-fully playing the classic Embrace, Extend and Extinguish notes right in front of everyone. The dominate browser is being neutered for benefit of advertisers. Microsoft and all the big companies are likely conspirator in this because they have their hand in advertising and this would benefit them as well.

  24. rocky raccoon said on June 19, 2024 at 12:17 am

    Mullvad Browser – Fork of Firefox, very secure with their DNS resolver settings.
    Nuff said

  25. Anasarca said on June 19, 2024 at 12:14 am

    This is one of the more amusing comments in the article:

    “While Google did make adjustments to the new ruleset, it never addressed the main point of criticism that developers of adblockers had.”

    Uh, yeah. It goes against every aspect of their ad model. It’s a modern representation of the classic quote, possibly from Sinclair, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”

    I guess the article could’ve led with, “f you use an adblocker extension in Firefox, you do not have to do anything.” But then no one would read the rest of the article

  26. Anonymous said on June 18, 2024 at 11:28 pm

    thats why you dont want quasi-monopolies.
    partly users fault by only looking at the surface of things and get distracted by shinies

  27. Andy Prough said on June 18, 2024 at 11:16 pm

    >”In fact, the only browser that retains full content blocking capabilities for extensions is Firefox (and any Firefox fork also).”

    While Pale Moon was originally a Firefox fork, since 2016 it has been using its own independently developed browser engine, ‘Goanna’. So in its modern form it should be considered an independently developed browser.

    Pale Moon does retain full content blocking capabilities, using an XUL version of uBlock and other independently developed ad blockers. Since Pale Moon’s extensions use the more powerful Unified XUL Platform rather than Firefox’s weaker webextensions platform, Pale Moon’s ad blocking capabilities should be (in theory) stronger.

    1. Freedom for the ppl said on June 20, 2024 at 12:19 am


      it may be so, but nowadays people are more often than not using couple of browsers installed to find one the overcome some annoyances or incompatibility, if you can’t log in to your bank or whatever then use another browser that can handle it, so do I having both Chrome based and Friefox browser.

      Right now the big pain in the rear is YouTube’s forced ads, and if Palemoon can circumvent Google’s dystopian big brother nonsense then that’s the way to go.

    2. m3city said on June 19, 2024 at 10:00 am

      Sure, but no DRM is sad. Browser simply has to support it. BUT I’m flexible, I’d use edge when I need to watch a movie through a browser. Palemoon has still issues with opening some pages, logging in to banking, it is stuttering on my computers. And what happens when Mr gorhill drops ublock origin legacy?

    3. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 9:41 am

      Palemoon is a meme and people who praise it are dishonest shill.

  28. Anonymous said on June 18, 2024 at 11:02 pm

    Using Brave and LibreWolf already plus vanilla Edge for any occasion they don’t work and it’s not worth the tinkering to get around a web page not working as expected, including in a private window session of the others (i.e Edge as a last resort only).

  29. Yonks99 said on June 18, 2024 at 10:53 pm

    Best case scenario ad blockers fully win then we just say goodbye to all ad supported content. I’d love that outcome as I always prefer to pay a service rather than being turned into the commodity being sold.

    I just need something like YouTube Premium for the wider internet where I can pay a flat rate to a single place for no ads and they doll out the money based on how much I used each service/site.

  30. Tom Hawack said on June 18, 2024 at 10:21 pm

    “Are you worried about the upcoming change?”
    Yes, for users of Google Chrome and Chromium-based browser. Not for myself given I have never used and will never use a whatever Chromium-based browser, Google’s Chrome in particular. Nor do i use any of Google’s products or services.
    I’m a user of Firefox, happy yo be and happy to remain. Heavily tweaked. Runs flawlessly (at least until 115.12.0 ESR which is the version I run).
    Tomorrow, after-tomorrow, in the coming years? “À chaque jour suffit sa peine” as we say in French (“A day at a time”), Carpe diem for the time being.
    Auto-censuring my feelings about Google and GAFAM in general.

  31. Scroogled said on June 18, 2024 at 10:21 pm

    You got 4 choices,
    – Continue to use the last version of the browser with v2 and never update.
    – Switch to Firefox and continue to use your favorite AdBlock extensions with v2 and v3.
    – Use Adguard that’s independent from the browser.
    – Use the new limited v3 adblockers that still show ads randomly because Google is evil.

    1. dumlat said on June 19, 2024 at 10:29 am

      You can also use a VPN extension with content blocking capabilities. Some have a free option.

  32. Benjamin said on June 18, 2024 at 10:09 pm

    …one shall always be very worried about any corporate behaviour… they are far outside of any society…

  33. Armond said on June 18, 2024 at 10:07 pm

    What about those who use AdGuard? I paid for its lifetime subscription and not having any issue.
    And folks, let’s remind you about this great blog post on AdGuard website. I’m using screen readers I say/stand.

  34. Pootch said on June 18, 2024 at 9:34 pm

    Rebirth of Firefox?
    No problem…

    What about DNS sinkholes like pi.hole, adguard home?

  35. Anonymous said on June 18, 2024 at 9:21 pm

    Can’t the chromium based browsers that still want the extensions, just keep from updating to manifest v3, and truly become a fork of chrome? If so, then there’s no issue.

  36. Ricky said on June 18, 2024 at 9:13 pm

    Oh fuck off. If you’ve got good content you will draw visitors.

    1. Julia said on June 19, 2024 at 12:51 am

      Why is this article sitting in Firefox category?
      Clickbait or what?

      1. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 9:33 am

        Google fanboys got mad.

  37. Haakon said on June 18, 2024 at 8:47 pm

    Next step in the google chrome strategy:

    Fill a cart in an online retailer site.
    Click checkout:
    “You are using the [name of] extension. You may not make purchases while using this extension.”

    1. Bobo said on June 20, 2024 at 8:34 am

      Or even better: “For your safety, Google Inc. has now decided to remove extensions support from Google Chrome. Everything any extension was capable of before will now be handled by our omnipotent AI. We care about you. We are here to protect you. Google is your friend.”
      It will happen.

  38. gabriel said on June 18, 2024 at 8:07 pm

    “An extension like uBlock Origin, which is the adblocker that is regarded to be the ***cream of the top***, will be superior on Firefox going forward.” – bone apple tea amigo

  39. JCplusULTRA said on June 18, 2024 at 7:57 pm

    The good thing is people will switch to Firefox and Brave.

    I wonder why no one forks Chromium into another browser completely separate from Google. Is the license limiting a fully separate fork?

    Even more browser diversity would be great.

  40. Sam19 said on June 18, 2024 at 7:37 pm

    That’s so nice, because it means the end of chrome and the end of this slow shit browser. Web developers are going to be happy to not support it anymore. Lambda android users are going to eat that shit unfortunate. Hopefully adwords and all other ad companies will bankrupt. People don’t like ads, they tolerate them because… money.

    1. m3city said on June 19, 2024 at 10:01 am

      One ad company wont go bankrupt – one will stay to rule them all. Google.

      1. Bobo said on June 20, 2024 at 8:35 am

        They’re just one lawsuit away from a steep downhill drop.

  41. Anonymous said on June 18, 2024 at 7:35 pm

    I made my final choice months ago and decided to be Brave. Period.

    1. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 2:06 pm

      Inferior to ublock on Firefox. Cope more.

      1. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 7:38 pm

        | Inferior to ublock on Firefox. Cope more.
        if any, so far negligible!

    2. Anonymous said on June 19, 2024 at 9:31 am

      Good morning sir!

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