Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25179 brings File Explorer tabs for all users in the Dev Channel

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25179 has been released to the Dev Channel. The update enables File Explorer Tabs, adds a new language pack, and ships with fixes for several issues.
What's new in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25179
File Explorer Tabs and Navigation Pane
Microsoft is finally rolling out File Explorer Tabs for all users in the Dev Channel. The update also brings the new Navigation Pane with the Home section. The features were introduced in Build 25136 that was released in June.
Tamil Anjal keyboard, and Touch Keyboard
Build 25179 brings a new Tamil Anjal keyboard for the Tamil language. Users can add it from the Settings > Time & Language > Language & Region > Language Options. The language pack is listed as Tamil (India).
The Touch Keyboard's key repeat rate has been tweaked, and now supports a rate of 20 keys per second.
Fixes in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25179
A bug that was causing apps like Excel to crash or hang, while attempting to Print has been fixed. The reliability of Explorer.exe has been improved. The context menu in File Explorer now displays a Mount icon while right-clicking on ISO files. The buttons for maximize, minimize and close window should now be visible when a Contrast theme is enabled.
Microsoft has fixed the bug that was resetting the Widgets preferences, causing it to forget the temperature units and pinned widgets. Taskbar flyouts should not appear on the opposite side of the screen. Crash issues related to the Settings app, and Input Switcher have been mitigated. A problem that was causing app installs to fail with an error code 0x80080204 has been patched.
The clipboard history shortcut, Win + V, should now display all items that you copied using Suggested Actions. The feature's recognition for date/time in existing supported locales has been improved. The System > Clipboard page will remember your Suggested Actions settings correctly. Resizing some app windows near the edge of the screen in mixed DPI environments was causing the window to jump and shrink, Microsoft has fixed this issue.
Users with a Microsoft account and AAD (Azure Active Directory) can enable a languate-neutral word list for the spelling dictionary. The option is available under Settings > Accounts > Windows backup > Remember my preferences > Language preferences.
Known issues in Build 25179
There are 2 new known issues in Windows 11 Build 25179. Computers that are low on storage space may not be able to update to this build, and will result in a download error 0x80070001 in Windows Update. Microsoft has advised users to ensure their system has 24GB of disk space or higher, to download and install the update. A fix for the error will be made available in the next flight.
The Taskbar may fail to appear if File Explorer is maximized, and the taskbar is set to auto-hide. Microsoft is investigating this issue. Prior known issues related to Easy Anti-Cheat, poor FPS in games, printing problems, File Explorer glitches, etc are yet to be fixed. Please refer to the full release notes for more details about the other known issues in Build 25179.
Microsoft has also released Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22621.575 & Build 22622.575 for users in the Beta Channel. The updates include fixes for File Explorer, Taskbar, the Photos app, and more.

i had the displeasure of using windows 11 for the first time on the weekend .. what the hell M$ .. why when i right click to copy and paste do i only get cryptic icons at the top or bottom of the context menu .. why does it look so dumbed down .. runs great on the machine i was using just feels incomplete by a large margin..
I hope Microsoft fires a lot of people this year. There’s a lot of untalented hacks that work there that have been ruining an otherwise great base of an OS. It should be a simple query I’d imagine, just search for anyone that contributes to Windows 11 apps or the desktop shell and pink slip them yesterday. Unless someone was trying to go out of their way, there’s no reason for anyone to suck quite this hard at life.
I want to disable the ###### things. Vastly inferior to QTabBar.
I want to disable the #### things. Vastly inferior to QTTabBar’s.
It baffles me that such a basic feature is taking forever to be added to Windows, people have been asking for this for years, and I’ve seen screenshots and blog posts saying Microsoft is working on it months ago and it still has not been released!
Thank god QTTabBar exists.
Just like Bob said, it’s not really an important feature. After tried QTTabbar I realized what File Explorer need is Commander type Window. I often need to copy/move files between folders, using tabs actually hindered my workflow as I don’t have ability to just drag the files like when using the usual explorer.
Because it is not an important feature? it’s the same complaining about Virtual Desktops and I am sure nobody uses them, only really few people use them, because it was a nice feature for 3 seconds and then people realized “oh, it’s cool but I don’t need it”
People like you like to complain, and then I am sure when you get what you wanted it’s like you don’t even use it, because it is all whim
Like you said, Windows is so good, you can even get 3rd party stuff like QTTabBar, so, what is your problem then if you ever got the tabs? You should just move on and don’t care what Microsoft does. But, now you are getting tabs (since you like using File Explorer apparently), you are still complaining lol.
I use XYPlorer, I don’t even use File Explorer much, so you know I am smarter than you. But the thing is XYPlorer saves all my tabs and dual panels next time I open it, so when I open the program everything is in place and I do whatever I want with it. As far as I know, it is not something file explorer will focus on, but they might with all the workspaces features Microsoft seems to be adding to ‘continue where you left’.
But File Explorer also has the simplicity that and looks that not even XYPlorer can achieve, especially if you want to use XY default layout. It is not even about the features, but the way things work and are presented.
All this you do it’s like when people complain why Explorer doesn’t have dual panels (more useful than tabs) yet, you can snap two windows easily and do almost the same, the only difference is you don’t get buttons like “move to other panel” but finally Tabs on file explorer are a good change but obviously complainers are going to keep bitching, and you will move your goalpost of complaining.
Just accept it, the reason people use Windows is because it just works most people who use it don’t care about tabs and virtual desktops and dumb features “advanced” features, like some people still use Win7 even if it is so much worst because it is Win11 with less features and uglier.
But people want their programs and games to work, to install open and work, that’s why Windows is great, you don’t get to go to terminals and do a bunch of retarded crap in order to make a program barely works with a bunch of glitches and all, but somehow, “it runs so it is good for me”, and pretend you are okay because “I don’t use Microsoft software anymore he he he (imagine the dumb laugh)”
I mean, you can switch to another OS if you don’t like Windows because the native features don’t work as you want or you can install 3rd party programs that will do the job and shut up. It’s so simple like that.
I mean, it is easy to use Windows without native crap, closing the Explorer process completely, and use alternative everything to open apps, use file stuff, some switching of apps (because the only thing that doesn’t work great is the Alt+Tabbing when you close Explorer)
That works because Windows is: a program launcher, and it is a great one that just works! no 300 different ways of installing apps, snaps, rpm, apt, etc etc.
It is dumb to complaining about why tabs weren’t added, when only few people care them! and then the few people who cares already got XYPlorer or Opus or Double Commander or Xplorer2 or just about anything 3rd party to replace windows explorer for more advanced tasks, I mean, that’s what I would expect, people stop complaining “why File Explorer hasn’t added blablala” like if you had mental problems and can’t just move on and live life without thinking why others aren’t doing what you want, when dozens of 3rd party apps do it.
It’s like people like you just see the glass half empty and the little dot in the wall, like… what a pathetic way of living life.