Dropbox Forum have been offline for almost a month

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 3, 2014

I use Dropbox occasionally to transfer screenshots taken on my Moto G Android device to my Windows PC. While there are other ways to do the same thing, it is comfortable and since I run Dropbox only when needed on the computer, it is not using resources most of the time.

I have published a guide that explains how to stop Dropbox from starting with Windows which is useful if you only use the program occasionally like I do.

I used to check the Dropbox forums regularly as information about new experimental versions were posted there first. This allowed me to check what the most recent version of Dropbox introduced or fixed.

Today I wanted to check it out again to find out about the changes in Dropbox 3.0 Experimental that the company released today. Turns out, the forum is still down.

The Dropbox forum has been down for nearly a month at the time of writing which means that I was not able to check the release notes and the discussion there. I thought first that this was a local problem, maybe a caching issue or a connection issue between my PC and Dropbox.

dropbox forum down

Turns out that is not the case. If you check the release notes page on the Dropbox website, you will find information about the forum situation there.

Our forums are currently unavailable due to an unexpected issue and may remain unavailable for a while as we transition to a new system.

The first entry was added to the November 13 release notes and all release notes but the one from November 14 contain the same message.

It is unclear what caused the forum issue. Speculations range from a hardware and software issues to attacks on the forum. Since Dropbox has not published information about the change anywhere else on the site, it is all guesswork at this point in time.

What we do know is that the issue was unexpected. The company has not published a date or time period in which it expects the forum to be available online again.

Transitioning to a new forum system can take some time considering that you may need to import user accounts, posts and other information to a new forum system.

Dropbox Forum have been offline for almost a month
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Dropbox Forum have been offline for almost a month
The Dropbox Forum is down. Find out why it is down and what Dropbox plans to to about it.

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  1. batman said on December 5, 2014 at 4:07 pm

    may i ask which firefox version are you using in that screenshot?
    is it perhaps just classic theme restorer?
    im stuck on v28 due to aurora….

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on December 5, 2014 at 4:18 pm

      Firefox 37 Nightly with Classic Theme Restorer customizations.

      1. batman said on December 5, 2014 at 4:36 pm

        thank you.

  2. Rick said on December 4, 2014 at 5:29 am

    Even if it had been down since Nov 13, it wouldn’t be “almost a month,” but it hasn’t. I’ve been on that forum now and again since then. When it does come back up, check the post dates. I doubt you’ll see significant gaps from then to yesterday.

  3. Ray said on December 3, 2014 at 7:06 pm

    I remember the Dropbox forums using a legacy version of bbPress v1.

    They’re probably thinking of migrating to something else.

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