Ghacks Visitor Stats

We have heard a lot about browser stats in the past, how Firefox is plateauing, how Chrome is gaining market share and how Internet Explorer is dropping to new lows every month. I thought it would be nice to share some of the site stats with all of you. The stats have been taken directly from Google Analytics, and should hopefully paint a very clear picture of the people that visit the Ghacks technology news website. For comparison reasons, I made the decision to add data from 2009 to the mix. (It is June 2009, and June 2011)
Lets start with browsers, as this is something that is constantly in the news all over the world. Firefox was the number one browser here on Ghacks in 2009, with a share of 49.11%, followed by Microsoft's Internet Explorer with 34,90%, Google Chrome with 6.73%, Safari with 4.02% and Opera with 3.88%.
Things have changed noticeably two years later. Internet Explorer is now the most used browser with a market share of 34.59%, that is only .31% less than two years ago. Firefox dropped significantly from the all time high to 32.14%, a drop of nearly 17% in two year's time. Chrome managed to get market share and is now sitting at 21.01%, an increase of exactly that 17% that Firefox lost. Safari moved up .30 percent, Opera usage dropped to 2.27%, unless Opera Mini is included in the calculation which would add another 2.29% to Opera's market share.
When you look at the different browser versions you see the following distribution:
Internet Explorer:
Internet Explorer 8 is the most used browser with 56.59%, followed by Internet Explorer 9 with 17.75%, Internet Explorer 6 with 13.83% and Internet Explorer 7 with 11.79%. Microsoft at least here on Ghacks has a lot of convincing to do to get IE users to switch to more recent versions of the browser. It is likely that the majority of requests that use IE6 or IE7 come from company networks.
The most used Mozilla browser on Ghacks in June 2011 was Firefox 4.0.1 with a share of 44.63%, followed by Firefox 5 with 16.07%, Firefox 3.6.17 with 11.25 and Firefox 4.0 with 4.18%. Many users are still using outdated versions of the browser, Firefox 3.6.3 for instance which is still having a share of 1.38% of all Firefox visits. This highlights one of the core problems of Mozilla: Getting users to update the browser to more recent versions. It needs to be noted that Firefox 5 has been released at the end of June. It is expected that the browser's market share will rise considerably in July.
Google Chrome is the clear winner when you look at market share gain in the past two years. Most Ghacks visitors run various versions of Chrome 12 and 11. Older versions are still being used, Chrome 10 for instance has a market share of nearly 2%.
Opera Mini:
Opera Mini had more connections in June 2011 than the desktop version of Opera. That's an increase of nearly 2% over the past two years.
Google Chrome, at least here on Ghacks, managed to snag away market share from the Firefox web browser, and not Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
Operating Systems
Windows was the most used operating system back in 2009, with a share of 88.62% of all visits, followed my Apple Macintosh systems with 5.60% and Linux with 4.89%.
The situation has not changed by a lot in two year's time. Windows is still the most used OS with a share of 84.93%, followed by Macintosh with 4.17% and Linux with 3.66%. Android is having nearly double the visit rate of the iPhone, with 1.41% to 0.77%. This is followed by SymbianOS with 0.76% and iPad with 0.72%.
Mobile use is increasing a lot, and it may be time to get a special theme for mobile users to improve their experience on site.
Windows XP was the most used Windows operating system in June with a share of 46.51%, closely followed by Windows 7 with 42.88%. Vista came in third with a share of 9.90%. That's a drop of 17% for XP in the last two years, and of almost 20% for Vista.
And there is apparently at least one user who is connecting to Ghacks with Windows ME.
Screen Resolution
The majority of Ghacks visitors operate a screen resolution of 1024x768 or more. When you look at individual resolutions you see 1024x768 at the top with a share of 20.59%, followed by 1366x768 with 13.85%, 1280x800 with 11.12% and 1280x1024 with 8.51%.
Screen resolutions have - surprisingly - changed only little when compared to two years ago. In 2009, 1024x768 was the most used resolution with 22%, followed by 1280x800 with 19.26% and 1280x1024 with 16.16%. Only the 1366x768 resolution was nowhere to be seen back then. It has become popular in recent years only, especially on notebook systems but also on the desktop.
Other tidbits
Almost 80% of all Ghacks visitors have Java enabled in their browser. That's an impressive value, considering that it is likely that the majority does not need Java at all on the web.
The top five countries according to Google Analytics are:
- United States
- India
- United Kingdom
- Brazil
- Canada
Most popular languages of the operating systems are:
- en-us
- en-gb
- en
- pt-br
- fr
The top search engine is Google which refers 60.68% of all search engine visitors followed by Bing with 4.95% and Yahoo with 2.39%.
Anything else that's missing that you would like to know, or something that you want to add? Let me know in the comments.
IE in first?
im sorry, but im one of those. Im acess Ghacks mainly on my work and there i only can use IE7.
Hiding referrer is useful in some situations. Just drag a link to the new tab in IE and Chrome. No Copy/Paste work at all ;)
I’m probably the only one in the world who does this. But, I have a method for not leaving a valid referrer when I go from site to site. I have a dummy bookmark on my bookmarks toolbar (FF) called “blank.” It simply refers to file:///C:/index.html. That is an empty file on the root of my C: drive. But, it could be anywhere.
About 70-80 percent of the time, I right-click to copy the URL i want to visit, then click the “blank” bookmark to load a blank page, then paste & go to the page I want to visit.
This method leaves no referrer other than file:///C:/index.html . As far as I’m concerned, it’s no one’s business what page I’m coming from, or what page I’m going to when I leave the page I’m on. Using the blank page may identify me as a unique user in some respects, but it doesn’t reveal my browsing patterns.
That sounds like a lot of extra work ;)
FF + NoScript user. Google-Analytics not allowed… ever… along with dozens of other third party tracking and profiling servers.
Firefox 5 + NoScript user here. I don’t exist on Google Analytics. :)
So when I’m most of the time reading ghacks only thrue google reader with my Opera, it doesn’t count?
No, it do not think it counts.
interesting statistic. most especially on the older versions of the browsers.
i’d guess windows tops the OS on your followers as well? :)
Well it is about the same ratio, yes :)
How many custom referrers ? whatever you do don’t visit mine
Thanks for sharing these stats :-)
I’d like to know:
1/ referrers and sources (RSS, Twitter, search engines etc.)
2/ how much time a user of a particular OS/browser/country spends on the site
Almost 80% come from search engines, with the remaining being split up between direct traffic and referring sites evenly.