Google Adds Translated Search To Its Search Engine

Search results are different depending on the search engine you use to search the web.
The language plays another important role. A search for Berlin Sightseeing and Berlin Sehenswürdigkeiten will yield two (very different) sets of results.
This is especially relevant if the search targets a region or country where the people are speaking a different language as the one the searcher speaks.
If you search in a language that is not spoken in the region you want to look up information of, you will end up with results that may not be the best results considering that original language results may provide better information.
One option to overcome the issue was to use translation to translate search queries into native queries before the searches are conducted on the search engine. When you do that, you usually end up with localized search results which may require additional translation if you do not speak the language.
With the announcement of Google Translated Search comes a much needed improvement in this area. Google will be rolling out the translated search feature in the coming days which will then be accessible in the search options on the results page.
Even better is the fact that Google will not only translate the search phrase but also the search results making it a complete solution to search for results in a foreign language. Except to see the translated search option appear in the left sidebar in the coming days.
Update: The option to translate foreign pages is no longer provided on Google Search. This means that you will have to juggle between search and a translation service like it was before if you want search results from the region or in that native language.
Update 2: Google recently changed the layout and design of its search engine. Results are now displayed on top, and to access the translated search option you need to click on Search Tools there, then on All results, and finally on the Translated foreign pages option.
The translated results are then displayed on top with options to add or remove languages from the list of results. You should also make sure that "my language" lists the correct language.

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