USB Flashdrive Benchmark
Check Flash is a small portable software program for Microsoft Windows operating systems that can be used to benchmark usb flashdrives.
Designed for a time when USB Flash drives were not overly reliable, it is updated regularly by its developer and still a useful application.
The application recognizes connected removable media devices upon startup automatically, and provides you with the means to run benchmark tests to test a device's read and write performance. It should be noted that the default test uses the full storage space of the usb flash drive, which has the effect that all data that is stored on it will be erased when the test runs.
Some tests on the other hand - like the read stability test - will keep the existing data structure unharmed. Several different test modes are available including a full erase test. The test length can be selected as well ranging from one full cycle to a manual cycle selection, a burn it mode, or until the first error has been found.
Check Flash
The application comes with several command line parameters that can be used to control the application from the command line or batch files. The parameters could be important if the removable drive is not properly identified by the software program. The /all switch will display all drives that are currently connected to the computer system making it easy to pick the removable devices that would not have been found otherwise.
The program displays information in the interface while the test runs. This includes the current read or write speed, the number of errors found, or how many cycles have been completed.
Users should be aware though that the all parameter makes it possible to pick a hard drive for testing as well which can lead to data loss.
Except surface testing, allows check speed of reading and writting, edit partition info, save and restore full drive and partition images, save and restore MBR. Also can perform full drive or partition cleaning. Process speed is highest what given device can provide, no more fast full test can be found in the world.
Check Flash is an excellent program to test the speeds of USB flashdrives. The program can be directly downloaded from the developers homepage and should run on most Windows operating systems.
The program has other uses. You may run it to test the reliability of certain USB Flash drives. This can be useful before you decide on making larger purchases for instance.
sorry to hear about that, jelbo :(
after reading you comment, I’ve decided knowing my usb-pen’s speed isn’t that important anymore, Not if it wipes my PC!
– hope you got yours sorted
This thing wiped one of my local HDD’s witht eh 3rd option – without running it with the /all parameter. I’m sure Check Flash showed me a 30GB USB drive yet it took my 250GB local HDD.
I’m running recovery tools now, fingers crossed. Sadly I haven’t backed up everything :(
So it is better to backup all files from your thumbdrives before you proceed to benchmark them. How about SSD? Can it also do the benchmarking on the latest SSD drive?