Aplus DVD Copy

Today's Giveaway of the Day, that is a commercial software that is given away for free for a day, is Aplus DVD Copy (homepage). It's a no thrills no frills DVD copying software that has the advantage of simplicity. The software has one interface from which everything is setup the way the user wants it to be.
He can select to rip a DVD from disk or hard drive to disk or hard drive. Supported are DVD5 and DVD9 dvds and copy protection is not an issue either. DVD9 disks can either be ripped in the size that they come with or compressed to fit on one DVD5 disk.
A copy of a DVD can be made with minimal user input. I only had to change the destination directory of the copy before I could hit the Start button.
Five options are available at the bottom that influence the output. Three are checked by default (Include Subtitles, Include Movie Menu and Extras, Compress to single-layer-disk DVD5). The other two are to Include DTS Audio and to Copy to dual-layer-disk which would obviously uncheck the DVD5 option.
Aplus DVD Copy is a solid application that works. Just pop a DVD in or pick one from the hard drive and click on the start button to rip it. It cannot get much easier than that. A "nice-to-have" tool.
Excellent. Works flawlessly and you can’t beat the price if you get it while it’s on giveawayoftheday.