Trend Micro RUBotted

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 17, 2008
Updated • Jun 9, 2012
Antivirus, Security, Software, Windows

Trend Micro RUBotted is a BETA program that scans your system for bot related activity protecting it effectively from being hijacked and misused for criminal activity. The computer is monitored for activity that is either harmful for the computer it is running on or other computers that are affected by actions from the monitored computer.

The main protection is gained from monitoring possible remote commands and control commands that are send from another computer . Other likely bot-related activities like mass mailings are monitored as well. RUBotted can be installed on Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista and Windows Server

The security application should work in conjunction with antivirus applications, even if those have not been designed by Trend Micro. In addition RUBotted offers to scan the computer using Trend Micro's HouseCall, an online virus scanner. Some settings are offered to exclude specific requests from being monitored, those are: http incoming, smtp outgoing, irc requests and dns queries.

Update: Trend Micro has released Rubotted 2.0 Beta, which is available for all current 32-bit editions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It can identify bots, including several notorious ones like Zbot, Koobface or Waledac.

The new version of RUBotted features improved detection of unknown versions of bot clients and better cleaning capabilities for infected machines. Compatible with other antivirus products that may already be installed in user systems, RUBotted allows for seamless integration at no cost.

The download is still available on the original website.


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  1. Martin said on January 18, 2008 at 11:38 am

    Raymond depends. do you use WordPress ? If you do not use the latest WordPress version there is a way to view your drafts.

  2. Raymond.CC said on January 18, 2008 at 5:20 am

    Dude, is there a backdoor to view my drafts?

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