Simpsons promotion

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 4, 2007
Updated • Dec 20, 2012
Music and Video

Ok. I have seen lots of movie promotions but this one is topping them all. Remember the Simpsons TV series? The Kwik-E-Mart were Apu is pressing money out of Homer and his friends? Well, they apparently created several of those across the United States to promote the new Simpson movie.

You can buy all sorts of Simpson stuff that looks like it came right of the tv series. Cereals called KrustyO's, BuZZ Cola, Squishee Donuts and much more. You see Simpsons characters standing around and everything resembles the Kwik-E-Mart from the TV series. Here are some pictures:

Take a look at all images at Flickr. I'm a bit worried about regular customers though. A sign read for instance "5 Minute Parking. Violators will be executed" which could turn off some customers. Don't you think?

The stores that were converted for the promotion of The Simpsons movie were 11 7-Eleven convenience stores in the United States and Canada.

Kwik e mart 7 11

It is interesting to note that 7-Eleven paid the money for the promotion and that stores that were taking part in it saw a 30% jump in profits during the time the promotion ran. Other 7-Eleven stores sold products from The Simpsons as well, including Buzz Cola , Krusty-O's, Squishees or Sprinlicious doughnuts but not Duff-Beer. Several in-store items were re-packed in Simpsons-themed packaging

Two Kiwk-E-Marts were opened at Universal Studios Florida and Holywood in 2007. Visitors can purchase Simpsons merchandise and products in the stores up to this day. They are the two only surviving stores as all 7-Eleven stores were converted back to 7-Eleven stores after the promotion ended.


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  1. gnome said on July 4, 2007 at 11:41 am

    Ah, Simpsons anarchy invading the world once again! Can’t wait for this film…

  2. Adam Dempsey said on July 4, 2007 at 9:20 am

    That looks great! Wish they did that sort of promotion over in the UK!

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