Play your MP3 collection remotely
If you are using different computers or devices, for instance a home PC and a PC at work, or a laptop and a home PC, you may have come to the conclusion that it is not easy to keep files that you want to access on all PCs in sync. Take your mp3 collection for example.
I have my mp3 files on my computer at home and not on my notebook for instance. While I could copy all music, or part of it, to the notebook's drive to make it available there as well, it is not an ideal solution as I'd have to repeat this whenever I want to push new music to the device.
Another option that is available is to use online solutions for that.
AjooBlast play mp3 remotely
AjooBlast is a freeware application for Microsoft Windows that works as a server and player at the same time. You add your mp3 folders to the server and set a secure password for it as well so that only you and no one else can access the data it makes available.
The player can then connect to the server over the internet or lan to access the music collection over the network or Internet. It is important to have the IP address of the server at hand because you will need it if you connect to the server over internet.
You need to install the software on all computer systems you want to play your music on. This may mean that you can't use the program on systems that prohibit the installation of new software; you may also run into issues if network activity is limited.
The program offers a great feature nevertheless which makes it easy to share the music with your friends. They only need the software, your IP and password and are able to connect to your server and play the music.
I think it is really astonishing what some coders can squeeze into a few kilobytes. Great application. The software lacks a web client which would make it even greater.
The program is only compatible with Windows XP and earlier versions of Windows.
Update: Alternatives have come up recently. Apple with iTunes, Dropbox, Google with Google Music and Amazon are all making available online storage that you can save part of your music collection to.
It needs to be noted that some may require an online connection for access to the music collection, while others may also sync the collection to all of your devices automatically provided the device has a connection to the Internet.