Combine RSS News With FeedStitch

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 18, 2009
Updated • Feb 15, 2014

FeedStitch is a news aggregator that can combine multiple RSS news feeds and other data sources into one RSS feed or Json format.

It is by far not as complex as Yahoo Pipes but provides a comfortable and fast way of combining multiple news sources into one.

FeedStitch offers multiple third-party ways of logging into the service including using Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Open ID and AOL.

Once logged in it is possible to paste RSS feed urls into the form on the main page to add them to groups. Groups are made up of multiple RSS news feeds and other news sources and provide access to a single RSS news feed url or Json item.

rss feed

The other news sources that can be added in addition to news feeds are Twitter (either by username or Twitter search), Flickr, Delicious, Github and Tumblr. A new url is created for each new group that gets created by the user. Each group can be accessed directly in the web browser or in a feed reader. It is also possible to customize the url in the form

FeedStitch is a nice service for users who want to quickly combine multiple RSS feeds into one especially if they have an account at one of the services that can be used to log into FeedStitch.

The option to browse the feeds directly on the Feedstitch website may be interesting. Instead of having to access the sites directly, or use a feed reader to view the articles posted on the site, you can use Feedstitch to create a personalized list of articles from sites that you add to a group. You can then read all articles posted to one of the sites or services that you have added on Feedstitch where only the articles and nothing else are displayed.

Update: Feedstitch is no longer available. You can use an alternative such as RSS Mix instead. The free service enables you to combine up to 100 RSS feeds into a single one.


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  1. Patrick Reagan said on June 19, 2009 at 4:32 am

    @turu: not sure what you mean by “primal account information” – we’re using OpenID through the various providers (google, yahoo, facebook, etc..) so we don’t ask for username / password to those services. I think one advantage that FeedStitch offers over FeedMingle is the ability to create feed sources without knowing a full RSS URL – this comes in handy for Flickr, Twitter, and all the other customized sources.

  2. turu said on June 18, 2009 at 1:15 pm

    for those who don’t want to give them your primal account information, you can try “FeedMingle”. It let you do same thing w/o logging in.

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