Au Revoir, Bonjour!

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 8, 2008
Updated • Nov 27, 2012

If you have installed Apple software on your computer system running Windows lately, or software from Adobe or a few other software developers, chances are that you already have a service running called Bonjour which is responsible for the process mdnsresponder.exe that appears in the Windows Task Manager.

Bonjour enables automatic discovery of network devices and services on IP networks. The service is usually not needed on most Windows installations and remains installed even if the application that installed it gets uninstalled on the system. Other means of identifying the service is the Bonjour folder in the program files folder of the Windows installation.

Bonjour can be uninstalled manually which is explained in the link above or by running Au Revoir, Bonjour.
The small application for Windows stops and uninstalls the Bonjour service and removes the winsock namespace layer provider as well.

The program can be executed directly. It scans the system for traces of the Bonjour service and uninstalls them if found. The software program is compatible to Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows Vista.

Update: The Au Revoir Bonjour! program is no longer available on the Internet. It is recommended to uninstall the Bonjour service manually on your system. Here are the instructions that you need to do just that:

  • Press Windows-r to open the run box and enter the following command to uninstall Bonjour: C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe" -remove
  • Note that you may need to change the directory name to c:\Program Files (x86)\... if the program cannot be removed using the first command.
  • Go to c:\program files\bonjour or c:\program files (x86)\bonjour
  • Rename mdnsNSP.dll to something else, e.g. mdsnNSP.txt
  • Reboot the PC afterwards
  • Delete the Bonjour folder on the system to complete the uninstallation.

This process allows you to get rid of the Bonjour software and the mdnsresponder.exe process on your system.


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  1. me said on July 22, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    where is the download link??

  2. GRTerrero said on October 10, 2008 at 9:54 am

    Version will run nicely wihout Bonjour and you will not see that message once you click to opt out of further notification.

  3. GRTerrero said on October 9, 2008 at 10:12 am

    Just reinstalled Vista again for the hmmm…I think the fifth time this year.

    Thanks for this. I was just about to install iTunes.

  4. Starboykb said on October 9, 2008 at 3:11 am

    yeah, i remember about the v7 cannot find my ipod because the bonjour were removed. apple has becoming very annoying over its software.

  5. BillyG said on October 8, 2008 at 2:30 pm

    You can also choose ‘manual’ or ‘custom’ when installing software, so you’re sure not to get whatever bundled toolbar they plan on adding to your box.

    When doing that for Safari, I remember there being an option to not install Bonjour or other Apple updates.

  6. gokudomatic said on October 8, 2008 at 8:23 pm

    dans mon cas, ce serait plutot adieu

  7. HEL said on October 8, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    Does iTunes still bark at you about Bonjour not being installed though? It started doing that with one of the last v7 versions and v8.

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