Windows 7 Wishlist

Sep 16, 2008
Updated • Jan 2, 2013
Windows, Windows 7, Windows Vista

As you know by now, I’d be the first to defend Vista. I personally feel it is the best OS available at this point in time and I’ve spent the last 9 months (since I began using it) evangelising it at every available opportunity, however I’m also just as ready to admit there are plenty of things in Vista that do need fixing.

This is my personal list of things of what I’d like to see changed, fixed or included in Windows 7:

The biggie… I’m popping this in because it wouldn’t be a real wish-list without it. Personally I find Vista to perform great, better then XP definitely on decent hardware, however I’d love to see Windows 7 just kick Mac OSX and Linux’s ass as far as performance goes.

This is the major topic under discussion in Steven Sinofsky’s Engineering Seven blog.

Faster Functional Desktop
Sure, I get a boot time pretty close to Microsoft’s benchmarks, however what they don’t mention is that even though the desktop is loaded, a lot of background processes are still going on in the background. It’s a good minute before I get a functional desktop after booting.

Windows Task Bar
I would love for Windows 7 to include some dramatic changes to the taskbar. I don't mean visually or functionally but things like some new features for the Quick Launch bar, more options for creating menus and folders on the bar and things like that. Also why isn't doesn't the Quick Launch bar use the same theme as the taskbar? It looks ugly.

Bloody Annoying Deletion Bug
Sure you can use Unlocker but it would be really nice if Vista actually deleted what I wanted to delete! For me this is the single-most most frustratingly annoying thing in Vista.

Multiple Desktop Support
Everyone else has them, no third party app does it decently yet. It is time.

UI Consistency
Hopefully Windows 7 contain essentially the same Aero theme as Vista and the developers can work on fixing all the UI bugs and inconsistencies across the system. Check out Long Zheng' Aero Taskforce for some examples.

Redesign 'Personalise'
I have no idea what they where thinking when they changed all these options around but it's really annoying trying to work out where is where and navigating between. Make it easier to change all appearance related settings from one place!

System Tray
Do something here, I'm not sure what. It seems especially buggy in Vista, icon menus freezing up and that kind of thing.

Improve Windows Search
Search is fantastic in Vista and I understand why it takes a few seconds to get results, however I really think for simply searching amongst start menu program icons it should be dramatically improved. When I'm searching for a file I can wait a few seconds, when I just want to launch 'Word' I'd like instant results as soon as I type 'Wo...'

Also some more intuitive functions would be nice, similar to Launchy, learning from usage patterns and picking up on typos. I would also be more likely to use virtual folders more if performance was better.

Calculator functions from Start Menu
Why not? It seems pointless to open up the actual app when you could do it straight from the search box.

Multiple Monitors
It'd be great to have a taskbar which stretches across multiple monitors and options for wallpapers to do the same, or perhaps even choose two wallpapers for 2 monitors.

Annoying Notification Popups
Need I say more?

Explorer Doesn't remember folder settings.

Networking and Sharing
This is a joke, the Network and Sharing center is way too many clicks away and sharing media between devices is incredibly convoluted and confusing.


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  1. Mark said on October 13, 2008 at 1:13 pm

    I would like to have a Reverse Compatibity as i have heard that it will not be emplented in Windows 7, and i would also like more hardware compatibility. I dont want to go through what happened with Vista’s release lol.

  2. Arp said on September 17, 2008 at 2:07 pm

    Faust-C: I would tend to agree with Macs offering more, but Linux isn’t quite there yet. Earlier this year, in a fit of open-source gallantry I decided to make the switch to Ubuntu, no dual-booting. This lasted about 2 months before I got tired of having to run XP in VirtualBox 24/7 to run Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Sure, there are good Linux alternatives to each program but … no one on PC uses the Linux alternatives. So if you are collaborating with others, there isn’t a whole lot of choice as to what programs you have to use. (I tried WINE and Crossover as well, but Virtualbox was most reliable.)

    Most people in the world have and will keep using Windows. (I have some faint memory of a government criticizing OLPC for not using Windows, but a faint memory is all it is) It’s not unreasonable at all to hope that MS gets their act together. Most people with tight budgets will go for a PC over a Mac almost every time.

  3. Faust-C said on September 16, 2008 at 6:58 pm

    Keep wishing. I find it very humorous that all that you wish for is available in other operating systems. If you desperately need windows then keep using it and supporting a company that doesn’t really care about end user experience as much as they do about end user $$$. Mac maybe expensive but imo at least you get far more than windows offers by default. And linux well… linux has it all aside from games (but that is already changing) Good luck w/ Windbreak 7

  4. b1k3r4ck said on September 16, 2008 at 6:19 pm

    Thanks for the great opinion and your reasoning. I think typing it in all caps really helped get the point across.

  5. Anonymous said on September 16, 2008 at 4:01 pm


  6. Pietzki said on September 16, 2008 at 11:49 am

    I find the vista search quite good. Just hitting the windows key and typing ‘wo’ brings up word within about quarter of a second. That’s not too bad at all imo. It certainly doesn’t justify using launchy anymore in my books…

  7. rruben said on September 16, 2008 at 10:02 am

    I don’t even use the vista search because launchy is much faster.


    I pres Alt + Spacebar and then I type “en” Enter

    ..And what happens is that immidiatly my english-dutch dictionary pops up. I can’t do that so fast with vista search because it will show to much results so you have to navigate true the list. Launchy just takes the best option and a lot faster.

  8. Hrtza said on September 16, 2008 at 8:02 am

    And you can add to list multiple audio outputs, now if you connect laptop via hdmi you have change default audio output also…

  9. ak said on September 16, 2008 at 7:58 am

    How about <4,5 GiB size to be able to make a dvd back-up.That is definetly my greatest wish.I agree vista is better but only on good PC’s.

  10. Lalo Greiner said on September 16, 2008 at 7:19 am

    Is Microsoft actually going to get this list??

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