Tips for hard-core English learners

Feb 11, 2008
Updated • Dec 12, 2012

English pwns. Whether you like it or not, we all need it daily. Those who additionally enjoy learning this interesting language could appreciate a few tips on how to improve their skills even more. Since I still need to keep learning as well as revising what I've already learned, I've been visiting some websites and services of ESL type and I'd like to share a few of those I came to like the best.

Let's get started by taking a glance at an interesting website that accumulates English students from all over the world and besides providing some learning resources suggests ways to talk with the other learners world-wide using either Skype or MSN as the main framework. I think active talking is the biggest problem concerning foreign languages, all other activities seem to be much easier compared to it.

Speak-English-Today maintains a database of people who are willing to break the weird feeling of talking to other English learners and start improving their and their partner's capabilities of self-expression. Experience conversation with people from different countries, it's even fun sometimes. The initial courage will pay off in the end. Paid courses with native speakers are also available, optionally.

How about some listening exercise? High quality (maybe rather prestige) listening materials often cost fortune but you can try out some interesting listenings at ESLVideo without paying a single dime. There are several videos for each level of knowledge under which you can find a survey asking you question related to information mentioned in the video. There aren't many of them so far but it'll take you a few tens of minutes to go through all of them.

Finally, two useful online tools to help you with the studies. The first one would be an amazing Flash application called Visuwords that allows you to put in any word and consequently shows all words related to the one you provided connected with varied lines that show their relationship. Types of words are distinguished by having different colors explained in the legend.

The second tool is a definition dictionary called LingoZ, sort of a wiki for vocabulary that allows people share their definitions, vote for them or just search for them and browse glossary if they don't intend to register.

Good luck with your studies :)


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