Browse through the List Universe

Feb 10, 2008
Updated • Dec 6, 2012

I like going through top ten lists. I find it fascinating largely because it’s a comparison style. It is nice to check out how people rate events and other people, based on different criteria.

Listverse is short for the list universe. It is a site of, you guessed it, lists. Of course, lists on the internet are nothing new but this is the first site I’ve seen that specializes in them. The site was begun in July 2007 by software designer Jamie Frater. He started it largely due to his love of trivia. Since then, the site has grown hugely and each list gets well over a 100 comments.

What makes Listverse special? The lists itself. The site has a huge collection of lists, over a variety of topics. Pop culture lists include the ‘Top 10 cinematic psychopaths’, ‘Top 10 Simpson’s episodes’, and ‘Bizarre Screen Kisses’. Historical lists are those like ‘Badass Ancient Weapons’, ‘Historical Monsters’ etc. The site even has a section on bizarre lists such as ‘strange things you can buy off Amazon’ among others. In addition, there are some humorous lists to satisfy your funny side.

So, what’s so great about the site? Mainly, it’s interesting, unlike a lot of sites on the internet. New lists are uploaded every day. I guarantee you can spend hours at the site. Apart from having a lot of fun, you will also learn new things and have a lot of myths explained.

If you happen to get bitten by the ‘list’ bug, why not try your hand at a list of your own. The site also accepts user contributions. Head over to the site and let me know which list is your favorite. What kind of a list would you create if you had the chance?


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  1. jfrater said on February 10, 2008 at 11:07 pm

    Thanks for such a great review of the site! I appreciate it!

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