DeepSeek AI Exposed User Data and Chat Histories

Agencies Ghacks
Jan 31, 2025
Privacy news

According to cloud security firm Wiz, DeepSeek has secured an open database that exposed sensitive user data, including chat histories, API authentication keys, and system logs. The researchers discovered the database within minutes, as it lacked any form of authentication.

The unprotected data was stored within an open-source data management system, ClickHouse, containing over one million log lines. Wiz’s security team warned that the exposure provided full database control and could have led to privilege escalation within DeepSeek’s internal systems. Wired first reported the breach.

It remains unclear whether unauthorized parties accessed the exposed information before it was secured. However, Wiz researchers suggested that given how easily it was discovered, it is likely that other individuals may have stumbled upon it. They also noted that DeepSeek’s system architecture closely resembles OpenAI’s, including the format of API keys.

This revelation comes just days after OpenAI accused DeepSeek of using its data to train AI models, raising further concerns about DeepSeek’s security and ethical practices. While the company has since locked down the database, the incident highlights growing concerns over data protection and privacy in the AI industry.

Users are advised to remain cautious when interacting with AI platforms, particularly those with unclear security practices. The situation underscores the need for stronger safeguards in AI-driven services to prevent future data leaks.


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  1. kunal said on February 3, 2025 at 7:54 am

    I happy to see another blog on AI it help me to find out best AI tools

  2. efromme said on February 2, 2025 at 2:19 pm

    Lots of opinions, yet no one know what AI is really all about – lots of product hype by the industry; The ghacks peanut gallery condemn it.
    Me, no idea what AI is all about. Tried it a couple times ( no better than a google search, just a touch human intonation in its responses.
    MS is incorporating it everything it can. But for what purpose?

    1. NA said on February 2, 2025 at 6:47 pm

      It does remind me of “cloud computing” as far as marketing fluff. From a basic standpoint, IMO, it’s “search with natural language OUTPUT.”
      People old enough remember the fad of google’s “natural language search” that made it a killer app, and nearly put Yahoo out of business. Search was much more limited before google. Now we have natural language OUPUT compiled from the search results.

  3. Benjamin said on February 1, 2025 at 5:33 pm

    It is how AI does it’s learning, to steal data from basically all….

  4. John said on February 1, 2025 at 3:51 pm

    Another Chinese product meant to expose personal information, go figure. AI seems like the intelectual crutch people want. Nothing more then a cheat to aid people who are looking for entity to do their work for them. Trouble is, if it works out who even needs the human involved. AI could be the worst thing to happen to intelligence as people stop thinking for themselves and rely on AI.

    1. efromme said on February 3, 2025 at 1:12 pm

      Humans stopped thinking for themselves in the 70’s with the apperence of electronic calaculatrors.
      My thought, if humans are fallible, therefore AI is fallible. Humans created it.
      I’ll trust my biased brain.

  5. boris said on January 31, 2025 at 4:26 pm

    From what I am hearing is that DeepSeek is a bad ChatGPT copy to being a side-project, I am not surprised. Offline model in my experience is not faster than any other offline AIs. Looks like a Temu project with no respect for users.

    1. Allwynd said on February 1, 2025 at 12:50 pm

      It’s just AI garbage brain rot, like all other AI garbage brain rot. Making people stupider without them ever realizing it, in turn enforcing their Dunning-Kruger effect, them thinking they are becoming smarter.

      1. boris said on February 1, 2025 at 6:59 pm

        Not all AI (they are not AI in reality, just smarter programs) is brain rot. IBM Watson concentrated on one particular problem: how to win in chess and succeeded. There are AI programs in development that will speed up animation process, illness diagnoses, automated restaurant ordering, better voice recognition, surgery planning, autonomous driving and so on. In other words, if you concentrate an AI program on one particular data intensive problem, it will succeed eventually better than a human. The future is in highly specialized AIs.

        But most money regrettably go to fluff like ChatGPT that want to be Swiss knife of every solution. And It’s going to suck on most of them.

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