Microsoft is working on Password Import option for its Edge browser

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 6, 2021
Internet, Microsoft Edge

Microsoft is working in a password import option for its Edge web browser. Current versions of the Chromium-based version of Microsoft Edge -- the classic version is retired this month -- support exporting passwords to CSV files, but lack options to import passwords from CSV files.

edge import passwords

Users who want to import passwords into Edge, e.g. from a password manager or another copy of the browser that runs on a different machine, face difficulties in current versions of the web browser. While you can use sync to synchronize passwords between Edge instances, no such option exist to bring passwords saved in password managers into the browser's password storage.

Microsoft launched a new option in Microsoft Edge Canary 90 that is designed to change that. It is an experimental option at the time of writing, and that means that it is possible that it will never land in stable versions of the browser. It seems unlikely that this is going to be the case for the password import option, considering that it is an essential feature of any browser.

edge password import

Here is how you enable it currently (note that this changes once the feature lands in Edge stable, as you don't need to enable it anymore when that happens):


  1. Load edge://flags/#PasswordImport in the Microsoft Edge address bar.
  2. Change the status of the experiment from Default to Enabled.
  3. Restart the web browser.

Password importing is now enabled. Here is how you access the new option:

  1. Load edge://settings/passwords in the Edge address bar to open the Passwords settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Saved Passwords section on the page and activate the three-dots menu on the right of it.
  3. Select the import passwords option. A file browser window opens.
  4. Select a CSV file with passwords to load it in Edge.

Microsoft does not reveal which formats it supports, e.g. if CSV export formats of popular password managers or other browsers are supported, or if only the importing of previously exported Edge passwords is supported. It remains to be seen if this is going to be clarified by the company before the official launch of the feature later this year.

Now You. do you save passwords in your browser? (via Techdows)

Microsoft is working on Password Import option for its Edge browser
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Microsoft is working on Password Import option for its Edge browser
Microsoft is working in a password import option for its Edge web browser.
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  1. Anonymous said on July 24, 2021 at 6:18 am

    I used a little hack, I first imported the .csv or .json file to chrome and then imported the passwords from chrome to edge. It worked

  2. Anonymous said on June 13, 2021 at 1:16 am

    Don’t bother trying. It’s broke.

  3. Anonymous said on June 5, 2021 at 6:30 am

    this does not bring import function. microsoft is wasting time

  4. Anonymous said on March 7, 2021 at 2:14 pm

    Microsoft is not working on anything. This flag exists in chromium and chrome for a looooong time.

  5. Anonymoose said on March 7, 2021 at 12:22 am

    > Do you save passwords in your browser?

    I care about security, so no, I don’t.

    1. David said on April 17, 2021 at 6:09 am

      Edge’s password manager is more secure than the usual browser passwords, passwords are encrypted to your Microsoft account (servers), and you need to bypass Windows account security to access them.

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