Notepad++ Autosave

Notepad++ is one of the most popular Notepad replacements that is constantly improved by its developers. It offers the same performance as the built-in Windows text editor, and comes with a multitude of features that range from syntax highlighting over multi-document support and auto-completion. What makes the text editor stand out a little bit more than comparable Notepad replacements is the plugin engine that makes it possible to load plugins in the text editor to extend the functionality further.
We have covered Notepad++ plugins in the past which can be really helpful under certain circumstances. One of the most useful plugins for users who work with Notepad++ regularly is the Autosave plugin.
The plugin can be downloaded from the developer's website. It needs to be extracted into the plugins folder of the Notepad++ installation (the folder might need to be created if this is the first plugin).
The new autosave option becomes available after the next program start once the two files have been placed in the plugins folders.
Autosave can be configured to automatically save documents if the application loses focus or at time intervals with the default interval set to one minute. It is furthermore possible to only save the current document or only named ones so that these temp documents that some users like to create do not get saved on the computer system.
Update: The latest versions of Notepad, at lest the one that is installed, ships with several plug-ins included automatically unless you disable that during installation. This means that you do not need to create the plugins folder anymore in the Notepad directory as it is already there.
So.. this plugin is not working with the latest version 6.8.6.
Edit: There are two dll files in the zip file AutoSaveU.dll works fine with the latest version, other does not needed
I think it is not compatible with the latest version of notepad++
This ANSI plugin is not compatible with your Unicode Notepad++.
This plugin is not compatible with current version of Notepad++.
Do you want to remove this plugin from plugins directory to prevent this message from the next launch time?
Yes No
I believe Notepad++ has different versions, one that is Unicode and one that is ANSI. It sounds like you have the Unicode version, that is why you only got one error instead of errors on both dll files.
The plugin is support to support the unicode version of npp. It does not, so it is due to the version, and not the fact that it is unicode.
thats a really nice feature… i would suggest trying out the windows 7 notepad, its really really good! Alot of new features to offer.