Learning Software Teach 2000

I started learning two new languages this week which are Japanese and Swedish. While Swedish is pretty easy for someone who is speaking English and German (and a little bit of Danish), Japanese is not. The main problem is that you have to think around two corners at the beginning. You can read every letter in Swedish just fine and only need to know the word to understand it. In Japanese you need to understand Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji first to be able to read the words.
That's were learning software like Teach 2000 come into play. Teach 2000 offers a flexible learning system which is based on flash cards which is excellent for learning words, letters but also everything else that can be put on the left and right side of a flashcard. The world's capitals and their countries, the mountains and their heights and so on.
Teach 2000 comes as a portable version and as a version that has to be installed on the system. It comes with a few example flashcards that explain the principle of the learning software but the user will have to create his own flashcards after looking at the examples. There is unfortunately no dictionary included for common languages.
Creating new flash cards requires some work and it is probably a good idea if additional users would join in and create flash cards for the language or subject that they are learning.
The learning software can test the user and records the history of the results. The tests are highly flexible. The user can select the order, the type of test (multi-choice, basic, puzzle and many more), select the error training interval and set error correction (for example that case does not matter in the answer). Some other interesting features of Teach 2000 are:
- Multi-line questions and answers.
- Phonetic symbols.
- Unicode enabled.
- Print flash cards, tests and crib notes.
Teach 2000 is a very nice learning software which requires some work in the beginning but provides a good range of tests and options for the learning student.
Vocatrain can be used to exchange Teach2000 lists:
The next version of Teach2000 comes with an interface to this website to download shared lists.
I just want to update to say that Anki is great. I am finding new uses for it all the time.
Thanks, Olir, Anki looks great! It even has latex support, so I will be able to study physics, engineering, and mathematical material with it. Nice find!
I use anki (windows, mac, linux) and I have to say it’s wonderful. Anki is a program designed to help you remember words and facts as easily and efficiently as possible. To do this, it tracks how well you remember each fact, and uses that information to optimally schedule review times. With a minimal amount of effort, you can greatly increase the amount of material you remember, making study more productive, and more fun.
It’s been over a decade and I still love Anki! Thank you Olir, and thank you Martin!
i used this for a while, until i found Interlex, which i think is much easier to use. the best part Interlex is that the program automatically switches your keyboard layout depending on what language you are typing. if you click in the English box it you get an English keyboard layout, but click the other box to enter the foreign translation, and your keyboard switches to that language. very nice feature.
Does anyone know of something similar for Linux? This looks like a great idea, and I’d love to try it.
I didn’t found this one, so I created a long time ago a very simple software to remember words by this principle. The problem is that only my temporary memory buffer stored it, which means that 10 days after, I forgot almost everything (because I was learning new others words).
The idea looks good but it is flawed at the root itself.