Freedom Stick Is Better Than Freedom Fries

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 19, 2008
Updated • Jan 18, 2018

No, I'm not referring to something called French Fries that has been renamed to Freedom Fries to punish the French for not siding with the US in the country's war against terror.

Freedom Stick is software for USB devices that have been designed to defeat firewalls and other filtering systems around the world and in particular in China.

The goal of the project is to provide all Internet users, regardless of where they live and connect to the Internet, with an option to use the Internet without being censored or tracked.

The Freedom Stick includes a version of TOR, an anonymization software, and the Firefox browser that can be used to connect to the Internet through The Onion Network.

Freedom Stick

It was designed with ease of use in mind. Just download the archive from the Chinese Wall page of the German Chaos Computer Club and unpack the contents to the USB device.

If autostart is enabled, the system should automatically start the Vidalia Control Panel which establishes the connection with the Tor network when you plug in the stick on a computer.

Firefox is opened if that connection is successful and you can browse the Internet without being restricted by filters or fear for your well being.

The stick works on Windows operating systems only. Linux users on the other hand usually know about these things and can implement them quickly as well.

Update: The most recent version of the MITS Freedom Stick - that is what it is called now -- runs on Windows and Mac systems.

It is a software package that you copy on to a USB device from where it can then be used whenever you connect the USB device to a PC or Mac.

The contents include more than just the Firefox web browser and Tor though now. A selection of applications has been added to the stick including Open Office, several media programs, editors, and utilities.

A lite and full version are provided. The lite version lacks some of the modules to reduce its size. With that said, both packages are quite large. The lite version has a size of 909 Megabyte currently and the full version a size of 984 Megabyte. This is a compressed archive, and the extracted contents require at least a 4 Gigabyte USB Flash drive.

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  1. Bruno said on August 21, 2008 at 1:10 am

    lol, I didn’t know the translation for our “baguette” :D

  2. Dante said on August 19, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    This is nice. I’ve donated to the Tor Project before. I’ve also donated to printing pamphlets that details peasant’s rights in Chinese. Nothing like a billion angry chinamen who knows what their “rights” are when the commies try to pull a fast one :)

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