Tune in with Tun3r

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 10, 2007
Updated • Dec 7, 2012
Music and Video

While I love Internet Radio streams I sometimes find it hard to find a station that plays the kind of music I want to listen to right now. I do have some regular stations that I normally listen to but when I want to listen to something else I have to search shoutcast and tune in into several stations to find the one that is playing music I like to hear.

Tun3r is a web service that steps into this niche and provides a way to tune into hundreds of radio stations from their website and load the playlist into your mp3 player once you found a station that fits the profile.

Tun3r basically offers two methods of finding a radio station. The first is to perform a search for an artist, a song, a genre, a language or homepage and the second is to simply tune into the radio stations and listen to the music they are playing on the Tun3r website.

Besides listening to the current song you see a selection of songs that have been played on the station plus additional informaton such as homepage and stream links and a description of the station.

I really like the way Tun3r is handling that many radio stations and prefer it over websites such as shoutcast who simply list hundreds of radio stations on one page.

Update: The Tun3r service unfortunately closed down and is no longer available. The Shoutcast directory displays  recently played songs as well so that you can use it for information about possible stations that you are interested.


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  1. HitMeWithIt said on July 14, 2007 at 1:38 am

    ‘i get nothing but white noise.’ – Why not try using your grey matter and read the page there….it says to click on any of the icons and it opens the stream in your favourite media player!
    They ALL work too.
    It is just the built-in flash player on the site that seems not to work but the streams are fine!

  2. archer said on July 11, 2007 at 5:18 pm

    i get nothing but white noise.

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