Sideload download free mp3

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 16, 2007
Updated • Jun 1, 2013
Music, Music and Video

Moby, James Blunt, Metallica, Jack Johnson and Madonna. That is only a sample of the artists that you can find on Sideload. Sideload basically searches the internet for free mp3 files that are for example used for promotions or available on the artists websites.

Those mp3 files get indexed by Sideload and can then be found using the Sideload search. The homepage of Sideload already lists about 100 mp3 files that can be instantly listened to. Just click on the little green > icon to play the song that you want to listen to.

If you click on the title you will be taken to a detailed page which displays information about the source website that offered the mp3 and the option to download or email the mp3 file.

Downloads begin immediately and require no registration at all. The same page lists other mp3 files by the same artist or group which can also be downloaded from Sideload. Sideload partnered up with mp3tunes to offer its users a so called music locker.

This is basically a way to transfer the mp3 files that you like to the mp3tunes online locker. This is great if you can't download the mp3 files right from Sideload. Just transfer them to your locker and download them later when you are able to download the mp3 files.

Update: It may come as a surprise but Sideload is still around. The service still crawls the web for music and makes it available for free on its website. You can play music on the site or download it to your system using the download button. Best of all, you do not need an account for that.

To find a particular artist or song use the search at the top or the artist browser instead.

Update: Sideload has been retired. Check out our free music download guide for additional options.


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  1. Rado said on March 16, 2007 at 10:37 pm

    Hm, I will give it a try.
    Seems like fun, very original idea and unique if I’m not wrong ;)

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