I want a freeware utility to..

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 13, 2006
Updated • Mar 29, 2013

I want a freeware utility to do the following. Did you ever say that to yourself and wondered if a freeware or open source application existed that did exactly what you needed it for? It seems the natural way to sort freeware applications in this way, describe what you want to do, and link to a freeware application that does exactly that.

That's the main idea behind the list over at the econsultant.com website. It lists programs that let you manage your iPod without iTunes, manage wallpapers you have on your system, or change folder icons. More than 300 programs are listed in total on the site and from what I can tell, the majority are great products that are well worth trying.  Worth a visit if you are looking for a program that does a special task or want to test new freeware utilities.

Update: While many of the programs listed on the page are still compatible with newer versions of the Windows operating system, there are some that have either been abandoned by its developers, or not updated for newer versions of Windows.

The entire list has been designed for the Windows XP operating system. That does not mean that it is useless for Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 users though, as you will find many program suggestions here that you can still run on those newer versions of Windows.

What I specifically like about the list is that you get choice when it comes to programs. The author lists three programs to find and remove rootkits for instance, and ten or so when it comes to protecting the computer from malicious software.

You can use the category listing at the top to jump straight to a category that you are interested in, or work your way from the very top of the listing to the bottom of it. All programs are linking directly to their developers websites.


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