Interactive Cinema Game

Martin Brinkmann
May 19, 2007
Updated • Jun 28, 2013
Music and Video

Here is something that I found on Youtube and thought that it looked incredibly entertaining. We all know the drill that we are forced to watch dozens of advertisement spots in cinemas before the movies start which becomes increasingly boring if you go to the cinema regularly as ads do not get exchanged too often.

The title of the video is Human Joysticks (NewsBreaker Live interactive cinema game) which describes exactly what this is all about. Take some motion sensing cameras, a breakout video game, a big screen and an enthusiastic crowd and you are about to witness the funniest breakout game of all times.

They show some of the action and several opinions of participants which all sound pretty enthusiastic. I really think that this could be a great idea if it does not mean that you have to wait and watch the advertisement and play the game before the movie. They are probably trying to bridge the time before the advertisements start. What do you think?

I think it can be fun for a while, but that depends largely on the crowd in the cinema. If it is less enthusiastic or even bored, it may not work at all and since it is likely expensive to set up, it is unlikely that a lot of cinemas would install the technology.

It is also likely that the game appeals to a young to mid-age audience more than it does to an older audience, and it maybe even depends a lot on the movie that is about to be played.

Still, the people you see in the video seem to have enjoyed the new experience, and while we do not know if and how they are related to the creators of the interactive cinema game, it is best taken with a grain of salt right now.


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