Use Onlywire to drive traffic to your website

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 13, 2007
Updated • Nov 14, 2013

I usually prefer that news about a new article posted here on the website reaches the Internet through users of the site who post links pointing to it on social networking sites, forums, their own sites or in emails.

Sometimes though you may need to spread them yourself, for instance if your visitors are not the type to use social media sites at all, or much.

Social bookmarks are a great way to spread an article initially and while you can do so manually, for instance by clicking on buttons here on the site or posting the link manually on sites such as Twitter, it is possible to automate the process.

This is working well in conjunction with buttons that let visitors of the site add the same article to those bookmarking sites increasing the popularity of the article.

I never had the time and passion to submit my articles to many bookmarking sites and only submitted it occasionally to the most popular services. That is, until I found the site onlywire which handles most of the submitting process for me. I had to signup for the service - it is free- and provide login details for all the social bookmarking services that I wanted to combine.

I then had to drop a bookmarklet into my browser bar and click on it whenever I was on a page that I wanted to submit to all of the services that I supplied login details for.


Onlywire is still available, but it appears only as a paid service and not a free one anymore. The smallest paid package is a pro account for $9.99 that enables you to post to 47 different social networking sites. It is limited to one user only and does not support branded submissions as well. That's only available in the Enterprise version which starts at $99 per month.

It needs to be noted that this type of linking can have a negative impact on a site's standing in the Google search engine. That's also the reason why I stopped using the service.


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  1. zoomfm said on March 15, 2007 at 11:39 pm


  2. lyndonmaxewell said on March 14, 2007 at 1:01 pm

    After the read, I’m off to the site. Having traffic is always nice, and to know that people are reading what you are writing. I’ll tag on its progress.

  3. Mind said on March 14, 2007 at 5:09 am

    I signed up after reading this post. I hope traffics will come more to my Blog. Thanks for your info

  4. Munkey said on March 14, 2007 at 4:01 am

    Thanks for the great find! But does social bookmarking sites constitute a high source of traffic for you guys?.

  5. tash said on March 13, 2007 at 10:26 pm

    Nice find! I just signed up for an account; I’ll see how it goes.

  6. gnome said on March 13, 2007 at 6:18 pm

    Off to check it out! Fantastic find apparently. Thanks.

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