INTO, A Sports Add-on from Sony for Firefox

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 2, 2012
Updated • Mar 31, 2019
Firefox, Firefox add-ons

Who would have thought that? Sony has created a Firefox add-on, called INTO, which displays sports news directly in the browser. The extension currently offers football (that is soccer if you are from the US) and tennis, with additional sports promised to follow at a later time.

Update: The INTO extension for Firefox is no longer available. Mozilla changed Firefox's extension engine in Firefox 57 which rendered all classic add-ons for the browser unusable in that version and future versions. A comparable extension is not available at this point in time. End

INTO for Firefox

sony into

The extension may sound like a simple news feed type of add-on that displays headlines and nothing else, but that is not the case.

The first thing that you may notice when you install the add-on is that it is on the heavier sides of things with 2.8 Megabytes that need to be downloaded. You will then notice a new icon in the browser's status bar that you can click on to bring up the sidebar menu with information and configuration options.

sports news ticker

Five buttons are listed here that you can switch between to access some of the functions that the extension makes available:

  • You can link a Facebook or Twitter account to share news on those sites
  • Add news feeds here and receive information whenever they are updated. You can furthermore follow Twitter users here as well. These news can then be displayed in a ticker that is either only shown in the sidebar, or at the bottom of the browser. A click on an item opens it in a new browser tab. You can hide, stop, or close the ticker at any time.
  • Alerts displays information about fixtures and live matches. Both tennis and football are enabled by default, with options to disable one or both here. What's interesting here is that they keep you informed about matches with notifications even if the sidebar is not open at the time. This way you stay informed about match highlights even if you are working, studying or doing other activities on the computer.
  • News finally lists fixtures, results and player information, again covering tennis and football only at the time of writing. The news section concentrations on large tournaments only, like Wimbledon or the European Championship.
  • Here you can show or hide alerts and the news ticker, configure in detail which teams or players you want to follow in each tournament listed in the news section. Leagues and the like may not be listed here as the season is over.

The alert feature is a nice idea, especially for web workers who work on the computer at times when football or tennis matches take place. This way it is possible to receive alerts about highlights of  a match when they happen, and without losing focus on whatever other activities are pursued on the computer at that time.

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  1. Yoav said on July 2, 2012 at 7:28 am

    What, no rootkit??

  2. Frank said on July 2, 2012 at 5:22 am

    Thank you for this info! I have been missing a decent sports scores addon on Firefox for so long! Thank you!… :)

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on July 2, 2012 at 8:23 am

      I like the notification idea, only wished it would cover additional sports and events (like the Summer Olympics for instance).

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