Money Makers: Tribalfusion CPM Ads

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 10, 2007
Updated • Jun 6, 2013

Tribalfusion is one of the few companies that thrive on CPM, that is Cost per Thousand, advertising campaigns which is not that hard to get into. It actually took only two weeks until I got accepted and could run a CPM banner campaign here on ghacks. The advantage of CPM ads is of course that you do not need to think much about ad placement and layout unlike CPC, that is cash per click, ads like Google Adsense or Yahoo Publisher Network.

You do get paid a fix amount of money depending on the type of banner ads that are displayed on your website. The range usually is between $0.50 up to about $2 per 1000 impressions on your website which can sum up nicely if you have lots of traffic. Payment may differ depending on which country users come from that visit your site so keep that in mind as well.

Tribalfusion accepts only websites that meet certain requirements, the most notable is that your site needs at least 2000 unique users per day. The others are an active community, regularly updated content and a professional site design. I would definitely give it a shot if I would be running a blog with at least 2000 unique daily users. It is furthermore possible to run Tribalfusion CPM Ads on the same page as Google Adsense ads.

Tribalfusion offers almost the same advertisement sizes that Google Adsense offers. You have the choice to 728x90, 468x60, 120x600, 160x600 and the rectangles 300x250 and 336x280. One great way of raising revenue with Tribalfusion is to activate the so called Variable Size feature. This displays similar ads if they are higher priced than the initial one that you have selected. It is for instance possible to select the large rectangle as the default size for your ads and use the variable size option to allow Tribalfusion to display 300x250 ads in the same spot if they are higher paying.

I do not want to disclose how much I'm earning with Tribalfusion but I'm using a real life example to demonstrate the possibilities. (This is actual data from a friend of mine)

He started serving Tribalfusion ads on March, 15th and made almost $140 from ads served on his website with 190000 ad views which means his CPM was about $0.72. Let us take into consideration here that he has chosen a relative weak spot for the Tribalfusion ads and that it is indeed possible to get a better revenue from the cpm ads by moving them to a more prominent position on his website.

The main topic that you are writing about is also important for the revenue that you can make with Tribalfusion. I hope the article gave you an impression of what you can expect from services like Tribalfusion that could be a good revenue source for your website if you meet their requirements.


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  1. Anthony said on June 26, 2008 at 7:09 am

    Thanks for the post. Very interesting. Just got accepted in to Tribal Fusion minutes ago, excited to try them out!

  2. Tobey said on April 10, 2007 at 7:35 pm

    Nice article.

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