Twitter API Pro is on the agenda with its price rather than its features

Emre Çitak
May 26, 2023

Twitter unveiled its latest offering, the Twitter API Pro, targeting startups seeking to scale their business operations. Priced at $5,000 per month, this new API tier aims to bridge the gap between the basic tier priced at $100 per month, and the enterprise tier, a hefty $42,000 per month investment.

The move comes as a response to feedback from developers and founders who advocated for a middle-tier option, recognizing the financial limitations faced by startups that cannot afford the exorbitant costs of the enterprise tier.

See the announcement tweet of Twitter's new API below.

Tailored for startups

The Twitter API Pro grants developers the ability to access a range of features and benefits. With this tier, developers can fetch up to 1 million tweets per month and post up to 300,000 tweets per month, providing ample room for engagement and content dissemination.

Additionally, the full archive search endpoint is now available, enabling developers to delve into the extensive Twitter archives for comprehensive research and analysis. These expanded capabilities make the Twitter API Pro an enticing choice for startups seeking to leverage Twitter's vast user base and data for their business growth.

Could be too expensive

While the introduction of the Twitter API Pro is a step toward accommodating the needs of startups, it does come with its limitations and potential challenges. The $5,000 per month price point may still pose a considerable financial burden for businesses operating on tight budgets, as it amounts to an annual expenditure of $60,000.

This expenditure could strain startups that rely on subscriptions or donations as their primary revenue streams, potentially making it difficult to sustain the service over an extended period.

Despite catering to the needs of startups, Twitter has yet to address the concerns of researchers and academics seeking access to its API. In March, the company hinted at exploring new solutions for this community, emphasizing their importance. However, no concrete announcements have been made regarding accommodating this group's requirements.

This leaves researchers and academics awaiting further updates and developments from Twitter, hoping for solutions that align with their specific needs.


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