Windows 11 now available for all compatible devices according to Microsoft

The release version of Microsoft's Windows 11 operating system is now available for all compatible devices according to Microsoft. The designation for broad deployment is an important milestone, as it is used by organizations to determine the readiness of the operating system for broader deployment on devices.
The Windows release health dashboard for Windows 11 version 21H2 reveals the status change.
Current status as of May 17, 2022 (PT)
Windows 11 is designated for broad deployment.
The original version of Windows 11,version 21H2, was released on October 5, 2021 to the public. The staged rollout used machine learning and algorithms to offer the upgrade to the Windows 10 devices that were considered the most compatible with the new version.
Microsoft increased the roll out speed and announced in January 2022 that Windows 11 would be offered as an upgrade to all eligible devices ahead of schedule.
Windows 10 administrators may use Microsoft's PC Health Check App to find out if a machine is compatible with Windows 11. Another option is to open the Windows Update section of the Settings application to run a manual check for updates. Windows Update will either return that the PC is not compatible with Windows 11, or offer the upgrade instead.
There is no direct upgrade path from Windows 7 or Windows 8 devices. It is possible to chain updates, first to Windows 10 and then to Windows 11.
Windows 11's rollout appears to have slowed down a bit in recent months. While data from third-party tracking companies is not very accurate, it may highlight trends. Ad Duplex, for example, saw a slow down of adoption from March 2022 on.
Microsoft does not release specific market share information about Windows products, and it is unclear by how much the modified system requirements are limiting adoption of the Windows 11 operating system.
Windows 11 version 22H2
Windows 11 version 22H2, the first feature update for Windows 11, is expected to reach RTM status in the coming week. The new feature update is several months away from being released via Windows Update and other update services. First devices with the new version are expected to be released at the end of 2022.
Some administrators may prefer to wait for the release of Windows 11 version 22H2 before they run the upgrade. The initial version of Windows 11 is supported until 2024, as Microsoft extended the support range of future Windows 10 and 11 devices when it switched to a one feature update per year release cycle.
Now You: did you upgrade to Windows 11?

It sucks that W11 has so many UX issues, given the fact that MS has made it with so many baked in security advancements that far exceeds what W10 currently can offer. On modern hardware (2019+), on first install/upgrade to W11, all the built in hardware based security features that go unused in W10 suddenly wake up and all get leveraged to produce a boot path from UEFI to loading the kernel and then runtime that is nothing like W10. And that degree of security persists through runtime into the reboot or modern standby cadence. My workplace, while evaluating it for use upon stable release, was unable to find any Malware sample capable of compromising any portion of the boot to shutdown lifecycle to study risk posed by an unhealthy endpoint. We tried at least 20 known malware families that currently decimate any W10 host they’re able to load onto, be it by running an infected exe in OS runtime or installing weaponized firmware or kernel level drivers or directly inserting rootkits that overtake the UEFI itself or even executing human operated attacks that work reliably on W10 targets; literally nothing was able to impact normal operating parameters let alone compromise the machine. And the mechanisms W11 used to achieve this aren’t just patching issues 10 has, it’s the methodology and principles of no trust and presumed breach that are crucial parts of all W11 core components only recently made possible thanks to the security built into the hardware.
It’s funny how none of this being visible to users makes them think MS just redid W10s GUI and named it 11. I personally only got a new MB (X570 Chipset) and CPU (Ryzen 7 5800X – Vermeer) in Feb. My prior stuff was circa 2016. Once most computers have (2019+) hardware W10 will be near dead and 11s full feature set will be stable. The more users that upgrade, the fewer botnet swarms of Windows 7 and Linux machines roaming the web at the behest of their Chinese masters for use against Western Cyber Infrastructure. That’s a win in my book.
I upgraded my gaming laptop to Windows 11 and wished I hadn’t. Going back would be re-installing all the games and files because I went beyond the 10 day point of no return. Another thing that annoys me a lot. Tried my best to install Windows 11 upgrade blockers on my Wife’s laptop and a desktop PC in our house. Windows 10 works just fine and I find Windows 11 going the wrong direction on what Windows as a OS should be focused on. Seems like Microsoft still has too many Steven Sinofsky’s meddling in Windows development.
My expensive Canon printer simply doesn’t work on Windows 11, despite updated drivers from the manufacturer. Works perfectly on W10 so I keep reverting to it. So annoying!
I have not had any trouble with Windows 11, but the only changes I see are “eye candy”. Things are in different places and different color schemes. Mostly a waste of time. I’m using Linux Mint on one of my laptops and its working well. I want to get used to it so I can use it on systems that don’t “comply” with Windows 11 after 2025.
The only reason I use Windows 11 is because it looks visually superior. I’m so happy that the ugly sharp corners and flat monochrome icons are finally gone. I only don’t like is how difficult it is to set up default programs. I still use Windows because I play games. If nVidia provides better drivers for Linux and Steam’s Proton matures even more, I can try moving permanently to Linux if I get the same gaming performance.
I know Windows has gotten worse since Version 8, I used to be really angry too, but I realized I can’t achieve anything by being angry so I decided to stop caring, there are far bigger problems in life than can you move your taskbar to the side or top.
This useless OS will never touch my devices.
I will continue to use Windows 7. 7 is the last proper OS from Microsoft.
As long as I feel Windows 11 is partially alpha code, I will not update from Windows 10.
Oh, haven’t you heard? Windows 10 is partially alpha code; that’s why there are numerous issues each update/upgrade. It’s all alpha and beta testing for the “fear of missing out” crowd. “Gotta update now; no waiting. No I don’t need a full system image.” Crash, bang, smiley face blue.
People saying that Windows 11 is so terrible that they will cling to their beloved Windows 10 til the end of time always seems surreal to me. It’s like watching an SNL or Monty Python skit. I thought that 8 was nice with Classic Shell but this is just silly.
I do have 11 Dev channel on a crummy Acer to keep an eye on it but this thing that acts like it’s a free toy computer that’s on loan to you will surely be embraced by the time its presumably grotesque successor appears, and so on ad infinitum. But look, it let me comment here so maybe it’s not that bad? Or maybe it is. I can’t believe how little people expect these days.
You must expect very little from your OS. Win11 is a dumbed-down version of Win10 at this point. Nothing of value was added, only taken away.
Monte Python said it best…
“Run away! Run awayyy!!!”
“First devices with the new version are expected to be released at the end of 2022.” More than a year with the nonsense W11 taskbar, the creepy startup and the poor new File explorer. It’s a complete miracle that Microsoft still exists considering the amount of crap they release. If Steve Jobs could look at W11 he will probably laugh for decades. Anyway, W11 users deserve to wait, the longer the wait, the hard the pain. Myself included. Thanks for the article! :]
>”If Steve Jobs could look at W11 he will probably laugh for decades”
He would laugh because someone finally designed something worse than MacOS?
@Andy Prough, really nice comment of yours! :D
Talk about the reality distortion field.
Apple’s desktop is a convoluted, disjointed mess.
I’s sad to see all the coding sycophants copying that abomination like it’s a gift from on high.
If I visited Steve Job’s gravesite, what I would leave behind certainly wouldn’t pass for flowers…
Windows 11 is barely usable. No one should suffer upgrading to this horrible mess. Microsoft needs at least 6 more years to bring it up to parity with Windows 98. Taskbar, start menu, right menus, everything they made “modern” is a big downgrade from Windows 98. They all are missing a lot of basic functionality.
I have no hope Windows 11 will get any better, unless they fire everyone making these dumb decisions. Panos Panay is a worthless snake oil salesman and he doesn’t care about Windows. He’s only there to sell more hardware and push web-based garbage. The way things are going now in the insider preview, Window will eventually turn into an MSN webview with a subscription required. Its time to start looking at alternative operating systems.
Funny, I haven’t had any problems myself. Per personal preference, I installed Stardock Menu and Fences, but I’ve used those products on Win 8 and Wind 10–haven’t had so much of a hiccup.
Meanwhile, with Windows 10, I’ve had to complete two repair installs to eliminate some bug that I was having with the power configuration buttons.
I appreciate the old OS and the new; lots to learn, or relearn, with Windows 11.
If you don’t have any problems, it means you are just a casual user. Even casual users I know are complaining.
No ability to open file in taskbar, cannot uncombine taskbar items, and need more clicks for the right click menu, very stupid regressions.
What features that W11 have but W10 not? We get less features for sure.
@GinniWojcicki, completely agree!