Latest Opera GX update introduces File Cleaner and new Color Themes

Opera Software released a new version of the company's Opera GX web browser on October 27, 2020 to the public. The new version of the browser is already available as an in-browser update and a standalone download from the Opera GX website.
Launched last year, Opera GX quickly rose to popularity and has now over 5 million active users per month. Aimed at gamers in particular, Opera GX features a unique set of features such as background sounds, resource throttling, or an interface that resembles the interface of computer games more than that of a traditional web browser.
The new update adds a new tool, called GX Cleaner, to the browser. It is a sidebar tool that users of the web browser may select from the sidebar to run.
Opera Software describes it as a way to clean up temporary browser files that are not needed anymore, and the company says that this may improve browser performance. Benchmarks are not provided to back up the claim, and it is doubtful that the removal of temporary browser files will lead to noticeable performance gains for users.
The company notes that users may clear the browsing history, cache, cookies, unused tabs, downloads and sidebar icons in this initial version. One of the main differentiating factors between GX Cleaner and the built-in browsing history deletion options is that it includes downloads, sidebar icons and open tabs (except pinned tabs).
GX Cleaner displays some stats, e.g. the size of downloads, number of cookies, and browser files, in its interface when opened. Users may select "min", "med", and "max" cleaning levels, and each of the available items individually.
The levels change the period that is cleaned, e.g. items that are older than 30 days, one week, a day, or an hour.
Downloads have special options to include downloaded files in the deletion as well as unfinished downloads.
The second feature that is highlighted in the announcement on the Opera website is that the built-in theme engine supports secondary colors now.
Opera GX users may also select one of the available new themes that make use of the new color option. Advanced color selectors are available to fully customize the color scheme of the browser's theme.
Opera Software created a video that demonstrates the new functionality of the browser:
Closing Words
GX Cleaner and the new theme options add more customization options to the browser. While it is doubtful that GX Cleaner will improve performance, it does add a few new options to the browser that were not available before.
The secondary color option offers an easy way to customize the color scheme of the browser.
Now You: Gimmicks or useful features, what is your take on the additions?

New color feature good color on my phone thank you!
I’d never use Opera but the GX GUI is really slick. Never thought this would take off and still aren’t sure what gamers get from it beside the nice interface but I do like the dark green theme shown.
It’s got built in RAM and CPU limiters that actually work, Twitch integration, a game deals aggregator, etc. Thats the appeal to gamers. It’s very niche, but if thats what your into (gaming) then its a tailor themed web browser that fits its target audience.
File Cleaner aka complete system scanner and data harvester
File Cleaner aka complete system scanner and data harvester
I agree with that view.
Opera GX Cleaner,
Collect browsing activity legally (consent as a result by using the browser). A mechanism similar to the recently talked about “Nano Adblocker and Defender”:
Opera: Phantom of the Turnaround – 70% Downside | Hindenburg Research
What is going on at Opera Software? | gHacks Tech News
Zhou Yahui – Wikipedia | Yahui Zhou currently serves as chairman and co-CEO of Opera.
I simply fail to understand what the point of this GX variant is. Why is Opera constantly coming up with fragmented browser offerings? Opera Mini vs Opera Android vs Opera Touch, Opera Desktop vs GX, Neon…
Opera is shooting itself at the foot with this. All this ‘gaming focussed’ is just marketing doublespeak and won’t actually help them gain users.
Opera Neon,
It was a “prototype” concept browser.
Many of the prototype “disappear” without being officially adopted.
Its official blog:
It has not been updated since the article “January 12, 2017”.
However, it is still available for download from the official website.
It seems to be a forgotten “abandoned item” (Similar to “Opera Mail”) that is common to the current (made in China) “Opera Software ASA” organization management ability.
Opera Neon: a new concept browser for the desktop
by Martin Brinkmann on January 12, 2017
I really liked the preview of Opera Neon. Sadly they seem to have discontinued it.
I think I tried that browser once or twice and it was a lot slower in loading websites and the UI felt laggy. I don’t see a reason for it to exist in the first place, it has so many undesirable and useless features for my taste.
It’s global! Takes time to provide multiple tracking links to all 200 or so countries on earth.
“Patience is a virtue,” Opera’s official tagline.
Why don’t they also add that theme engine to the normal version 😬
I uninstalled Opera ever since they added an annoying “Browser Assistant” tray icon and then started piling on more bloat. Vivaldi is headed the same way with their Vivaldia game.
Can’t find any reference to that but plenty to Opera being led/financed/book cooked by a loan shark. Here’s one, too many others to list:
The Norweigan Opera company was renamed Otello when in 2016 the browser and ancillary services were sold to a group of Chinese investors named, ready for this?
Golden Brick Capital Private Equity Fund I Limited Partnership
Yay! Add “Experience” and the name would be a permanent reference for tech gibberish.
Funny! She looks confused, too:
Opera actually Purchased Vivaldi
What on earth are you talking about? Anyone who knows the history of Opera and Vivaldi would laugh at the very suggestion.
“I Must Not Tell Lies”
Does the “Purchased” you mentioned mean a corporate acquisition (subsidiary, acquisition, or take-control)?
Please “express: Strings” carefully so as not to be misunderstood.
If it was “acquired”, please disclose the source!