10 Widgets I can't live without

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 12, 2006
Updated • May 16, 2013
Software, Yahoo

Widgets are small programs that are displayed as small windows on the desktop from where they can be used. The main idea is to provide the user of the system with direct information about things of interest. Widgets can be loosely sorted into the following categories:

  • Informational Widgets - Widgets that display a limited amount of information like weather reports or rss feeds.
  • Entertainment Widgets - Games, movies, music and Pictures for example.
  • Programs - Widgets that offer search functionality for instance fall in this category.

To add widgets to your desktop, you need to either use the Windows Sidebar, if supported by your version of the operating system, or a third party solution like Yahoo's Widget Engine.If you have selected Yahoo's solution, you are free to select widgets from a selection of thousands. Since it takes quite some time to go through all the widgets manually, I decided to post a top 10 list of widgets that you may find useful. Those are widgets that I find useful. It is still recommended to browse the directory list of widgets as well.

  • Diggth

Displays a list of various RSS feeds from digg.com.

  • Sudoku

What can I say, Sudoku is lots of fun and this Widget delivers it right to my desktop.

  • Informer

Displays lots of useful system information such as disk, cpu and memory usage, battery life, wifi signal and more.

  • Shortcut Launcher

Shortcuts, all sorted in this nice little widget. Never again a cluttered desktop..

  • Google Adsense Widget

Displays your google adsense income.

  • Google Search

Simple one liner, add a search term, without opening a browser first.

  • Task List

Add tasks and notes to this widget.

  • Flickr Explorer

Explore the 500 most interesting photos of the day at flickr.

  • Scientific Calculator

Better than the Calculator that comes with Windows.

  • Spelling Bee

Just enter a word and if it is not know it suggests words.

Update: As of April 11, 2012 Yahoo's Desktop Widgets Gallery website has been discontinued. While existing widgets may continue to work, it is no longer possible to download widgets from the site.

Update 2: If you are looking for an alternative, try Rainmeter. It is a desktop customization tool that supports widgets among other things.


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  1. Taran said on September 9, 2012 at 7:26 pm

    Top stuff! Thanks a lot.

  2. Shovan said on October 30, 2009 at 3:25 am

    Awesome thanks

  3. Jesse said on October 14, 2006 at 11:48 pm

    How much system resources does yahoo wigets use as compared to google desktop?

  4. Tabbie said on October 12, 2006 at 6:49 pm

    I may definitley have to hit up the Sudoku. Why not waste my life away doing those tricky little number puzzles on the computer as well?

  5. Martin said on October 12, 2006 at 6:41 pm

    To clarify things Brian, with better I ment accessible. I don’t have to start if whenever I need it..

  6. Martin said on October 12, 2006 at 6:39 pm

    yes I’am Brian

  7. Brian Riley said on October 12, 2006 at 4:15 pm

    Just curious, are you aware of the scientific mode of the windows calculator?

  8. gnome said on October 12, 2006 at 4:00 pm

    Top stuff! Thanks!

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