Google stops the sale of TV Shows from Google TV - What you need to know

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 24, 2024
Updated • Jul 24, 2024
Google, Music and Video

Google announced today that it is making a far-reaching change to its Google TV service. Starting today, Google customers may no longer purchase TV episodes or seasons from Google TV on "Google TV devices, Android TV devices, and the Google TV Mobile app".

Google TV, not to be confused with the operating system that Google discontinued almost ten years ago, was launched as a modified Android TV operating system interface in September 2020.

Here are the details of today's announcement:

  • The announced changes have no impact on previously purchased TV shows.
  • Customers can access all previous purchases, regardless of where the purchase was made.
  • The ability to purchase or rent movies is not affected.
  • TV shows can be purchased from YouTube going forward (depending on availability).

Google does not say why it is making the change. It is also unclear why it is making the change for TV shows only.

Good to know: While Google and others say purchase when it comes to digital TV shows and movies, it is a fact that customers do not own the purchased TV shows or movies. While unlikely, bought content can be removed at any time. This has happened in the past, and is one of the main reasons why buying physical is still the better option in many cases.

 Closing Words

The disabling of TV show purchases on Google TV puts a dent into the service. While Google is quick to point out that users may continue to purchase shows from YouTube, doing so would split a user's shows between multiple services.

All purchased shows and movies can be accessed on YouTube, but going forward, not on Google TV. Whether that is going to affect movie sales on the Google TV platform remains to be seen. The move may not really instill confidence that Google TV will be around in the years to come. It is probably going to get integrated into a YouTube TV experience of sorts eventually.

This is not the first move in recent time that is favoring YouTube over other services. Google announced the end of its Podcast app this year in favor of a weaker podcasting experience on YouTube.

Do you purchase digital content, especially TV shows or movies? Or do you prefer physical, or the Arr-Matey way? Let us know in the comments below.

Google stops the sale of TV Shows from Google TV - What you need to know
Article Name
Google stops the sale of TV Shows from Google TV - What you need to know
Google is ending the sale of TV shows and entire seasons from Google TV starting today. Here is what you need to know about that.
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  1. Mick one Eye said on July 25, 2024 at 9:54 am

    Hoist the Mainsail me hearties…

  2. SteveS. said on July 24, 2024 at 11:16 pm

    “Purchase” in todays world, increasingly means “Paying for a license that we can change or revoke at any time we wish, with no remuneration or reason provided to you the ‘purchaser’ “.

  3. Tachy said on July 24, 2024 at 5:18 pm

    I’ve never even heard of “Google TV”.

  4. Boris said on July 24, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    My guess they want to move TV store to YouTube. Anyway, stay away from digital libriries. They can be taken away by any company that stores them. Just rent Tv shows. It is safer and cheeper.

  5. John G. said on July 24, 2024 at 3:23 pm

    Using Pluto TV for more than 3 years. The best of all.

    1. Seeprime said on July 25, 2024 at 12:34 am

      Good shows and movies on Pluto. However, the 18 to 20 minutes of commercials in an hour simply duplicated broadcast TV. It would be great if Paramount would trim back a bit in the ads shown on Pluto.

    2. CaptainJack said on July 24, 2024 at 11:09 pm

      BitTorrent and a mini-PC with Windows have been connected to my TV for the past 20 years. Arr matey!

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