Performance of Windows 11 is a focus for Microsoft in 2022

Microsoft's Windows 11 operating system has been out for some time. Reception has not been too bad but it is clear that there are areas that need improvement. Apart from bugs, some of which have not been fixed for weeks, it is performance that appears to be one of the main concerns of users.
It would be too easy to blame older hardware or devices that don't meet Microsoft's official Windows 11 system requirements solely.
Game performance on AMD devices suffered from bugs when Windows 11 was released, and it took weeks to get the issue fixed. The first fix that Microsoft released decreased the performance even more.
Tip: here is our take on whether Windows 11 is better for gaming than Windows 10.
Microsoft's Windows Developer team held a question and answer session on Reddit recently. One of the interesting tidbits to come out of it was the promise that performance will be a development focus in 2022.
Performance will be an area of focus for us in 2022. A lot of that focus will go into startup/launch perf; in terms of UI elements rendering on the screen (after the framework is loaded), we've tested the scalability of doing things like putting 10k buttons on the screen, etc. Most of the UI elements render pretty quickly already, but it would be good to understand if there are specific UI element scaling/slowness issues you're experiencing and we could take a look into that specific scenario.
The team mentions boot and launch performance specifically in the post that it made, but that does not mean that it is the only area that may see performance improvements in 2022.
Windows 11 Insiders should check "include data about performance" when reporting performance related issues in the Feedback Hub.
One way you could help us is to launch Feedback Hub and enter a performance-related problem; there's a category in there for Desktop Environment and then select the subcategory "All other issues". You'll see an option to "Include data about performance" when you file the issue -- make sure to check that box.
It is unclear when the changes will land; a likely scenario is that these will be included in the next feature update for Windows 11. Microsoft plans to release a single feature update for Windows 11 (and Windows 10 as well).
The next Windows 11 feature update will be released in the second half of 2022. That's a bit vague, but around October is probably a good bet. October 2022 would give the team a full year of development.

It is true that W11 vs W10 is less optimised, I work with audio and I wish they optimise background activities, W10 were more consistente on small buffer size, also some plugin gui opens to slow, I hope we’ll come back in 2022 to W10 performance.
{x} Doubt
Microsoft deciding to force taskbar grouping is enough to piss me off from 11. I know it’s fixable with 3rd party apps or registry hacks but screw Microsoft.
They won’t ever achieve that because they are replacing native parts with webview crap. What they should be focusing on is bringing back Windows 98 functionality in 11. Taskbar, right click menu, start menu file explorer all ruined and a major downgrade.
Not to worry, m$ can bribe software/driver devs to drop support of older operating systems and lure gamers in with DirectX api’s. And fanboys, well… you don’t even have to try!
on a circa 2012 home built system using older i7 chip (does not meet tpm/secure boot parameters for win11) yet win11 running better on it than ANY version of win10 did.
It’s ridiculous that there are brand-new laptops being sold with this alpha software installed on it. Talk about being sold a lemon. Slower, buggier, more invasive, and less productive than Win 7-8 and even Win 10.
Right now the only people flocking to Win 11 are idiots, fanboys, and tech writers.
Look out, we found the super genius with great reasons to flock to a garbage beta that’s worse in every way to it’s predecessors. Except it failed to list a single reason why.
You definitely have no common sense bro. We upgraded to windows 11 because we wanted to and that definitely will not make me an idiot but you like all the other haters can suck it.
I’m using Windows 11 and I don’t consider myself to be an idiot, fanboy or tech writer. Why do you feel the need to insult people? W11 is working well for me.
I’m using Windows 11 on my own volition and I bet I have more IQ than your whole family combined.
The lemon should update and become reasonably bug free…
More invasive. Probably. Microsoft is not a charity and even if they were they have to get cash from somewhere to pay their programmers for writing and maintaining ‘free’ Windows software.
Payment up front and no data leaching would be more open. Those days seem to be gone. Either you use Windows and pay for it as you go or switch to another system. There are plenty available. If you are into complex programming with calls to Windows DLLs, etc, you have problems. If all you do is play games and use the internet there is plenty of choice.
This article confirms my thoughts, W11 final version will be mostly released at 2023. :]
My I9 9900k with 2080TI runs smooth, win 10 couldn’t play new BF 2042 on Ultra, with win11 running everuthing on max, no issue! Overall win 11 feeling much smoother than 10!
Kind of should have focused on those things *before* releasing the current Alpha version.
I’m sticking with Windows 10 on all my devices, even though a few of them can upgrade. Windows 11 doesn’t seem worth the effort to use, too many visual changes, and I find the new context menus very annoying.
What Microsoft should do is adjust those CPU requirements, they are too high in my opinion.
“Apart from bugs, some of which have not been fixed for weeks, it is performance that appears to be one of the main concerns of users.”
MS have over 180,000 employees and cash reserves of close to US$140 billion.
Sort of think they should be aiming a bit higher than “Reception has not been too bad..”