Talent Copy V, Optimized Copying Operations In Windows

Talent Copy V is a free file transfer program for Windows that optimizes file operations on PCs running Windows.
The majority of Windows users is using Windows Explorer to copy, move or delete files and folders on the system. That's usually fine especially for a small number of files.
The lack of information and optimization on the other hand may lead to frustration, especially when transfer rates and completion times seem to jump a lot.
Talent Copy has been designed by its developer as an alternative for standard copy operations in the Windows operating system.
Talent Copy
Talent Copy, according to him, improves file copy speeds with an advanced algorithm that's especially benefiting the copying of small files.
The copy software has been optimized for standard platter driven hard drives and solid state drives. It optimizes the SSD copying performance by splitting operations into read and write operations for a superior file copying performance.
The developer has tested Talent Copy under Windows Vista and noted that the copy process was up to three times faster than the standard Windows copying process.
Experienced users can modify the program settings for that extra bit of performance. Everyone else may use the software with default settings. The program integrates into Windows Explorer so that file operations can be run directly from there.
Talent Copy adds a "paste with talent copy" to the Windows Explorer context menu. It is first necessary to select the folders and files that need to be copied before the paste operation becomes available.
Talent Copy displays detailed information about the copy process.
But is Talent Copy really faster than a standard Windows Explorer copying operation? And how does it fare against same purpose applications like Teracopy?
That's hard to tell because it highly depends on several factors including the read and write speed of the hard drives involved, the overall computer speed and use during the copying and the size, location and amount of files that are copied.
Please note that the last update of the program dates back to 2014. It is still offered as a beta version only, so take this into account. Alternatives like Fast Copy or Tera Copy may be better suited because of this.
Closing Words
Talent Copy V can be faster if a lot of small files in a nested folder structure need to be copied. The program is unfortunately not the most comfortable one as it triggers an UAC prompt whenever it is used to copy files in the operating system.

comparing to teracopy , teracopy is better
Interesting programs BUT who really needs them? I mean, what do you guys do copying lots of stuff a lot of times?!
Back-ups, back-ups… Tons of files… Thousands… I mean a lot of Gb.
After trying all of them I choose FastCopy. IMHO better than Teracopy.
It bypass Windows restriction for long paths, and that’s really useful.
It can resume every copy, even after crashing.
You can choose to integrate with System or not.
You can make it portable.
The app let user to change a lot of options (not with TeraCopy).
I hope my little contribution helps.
My best wishes to you Martin for your site, and all readers too.
A better 2011 for all!
How does this compare to TeraCopy?
TeraCopy doesn’t trigger UAC. Great, isn’t it?
Even not being update for a while, another good alternative, IMO, could be SuperCopier 2 (http://supercopier.sfxteam.org/).
I’m definitely curious to hear what the gallery has to say on this one. Programs like are constantly making claims that are rarely substantiated by end users.