PC Players Still Facing Blue Screen of Death Bug Despite Activision's Update

Activision has released a major update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone, addressing key multiplayer issues and introducing new features like “Vote to Forfeit.”

Agencies Ghacks
Feb 4, 2025

Activision has rolled out a significant update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone, targeting major issues within the multiplayer experience and introducing several enhancements. Among the key changes, the patch resolves a notorious bug that caused cross-play settings to reset upon closing the game, much to the relief of players who had been affected by this frustrating glitch.

A noteworthy addition is the "Vote to Forfeit" feature in Ranked Play, which allows players to take action if they find themselves in an unfavorable match after a teammate disconnects. This feature, highly requested by the community, enables players to initiate a vote to leave a match without suffering suspensions. While the match will still count as a loss, this system promises to offer some relief for those facing unwinnable scenarios.

However, not all issues have been resolved. The persistent Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) bug impacting PC players continues to plague the community. Although the issue has been officially recognized by the developers, no fixes or workarounds have been provided in this update. Players report that BSOD errors became prevalent after the launch of Season 2, and frustrations are running high as developers work to identify a solution.

The patch also addresses various exploits and gameplay inconsistencies, including fixing the Aether Lantern issue in Zombies mode and a problem that allowed the Hand Cannon to achieve unintended damage levels. The Repairman skin, part of a recent bundle, has been disabled due to a glitch rendering it nearly invisible in Warzone.

In terms of weapon adjustment, the update includes damage modifications for several firearms, featuring buffs for the new Feng 82 LMG and tweaks to other weapons based on player feedback. As always, with every update, Activision promises various stability fixes, leaving the community to speculate on the specifics of those improvements.


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