domain now redirects to Musk's xAI

Emre Çitak
Aug 3, 2023
0 domain which previously redirected users to ChatGPT has taken a surprising turn. The domain now leads to xAI, a new AI company owned by Elon Musk. The sudden change has left users wondering about the ownership of and the motivations behind the redirection.

The change in's redirection has prompted questions about its ownership. Initially, it was speculated that OpenAI might have acquired the domain from, a domain broker, for an asking price of $11 million.

However, the recent redirection to xAI challenges this assumption. The real owner of the domain remains anonymous, and it is uncertain whether the domain was ever truly owned by OpenAI in the first place.

AI com domain domain is now redirecting users to xAI - Screenshot from xAI

Does Elon own the domain now?

Elon Musk's role in the redirection of to xAI has added another layer of mystery. Musk, a co-founder of OpenAI, has been vocal about his concerns regarding AI's potential impact on society.

With xAI's mission statement emphasizing "understanding reality" and Musk's plans to build a rival to OpenAI's chatbot, it appears that the entrepreneur is keen on establishing xAI as a significant player in the AI landscape.

So who does he have to beat? ChatGPT, which the whole world has started to use like crazy in the past months. The fact that a prestigious address such as the domain directs users to xAI should not be a bad step in this direction. But, as of now, the real owner of the prestigious domain remains a mystery.

AI com domain
The silent purchase of the domain would be a logical move in Twitter's rebranding process

The X madness

Elon Musk's recent decision to change Twitter's name to ''X'' and redirect '''' to the social media platform showcases his interest in domain acquisitions related to AI and his new ventures.

It seems Musk is determined to make his mark in the AI domain and position xAI as a significant player in the AI race.


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