What kind of phone do I have: How to identify?

Onur Demirkol
Apr 3, 2023
Mobile Computing, Tutorials

Not everyone is deeply interested in technology, or smartphones in particular, and it has almost become a common mistake to mix up phone models, even your own! This article will focus on how to tell your phone's model and brand. If you have ever asked yourself the question, "what kind of phone do I have?" here is your answer.

There are many different smartphone models with different operating systems. Apple phones are most recognizable as the company rolls out only a few every year. Most iPhone users can recognize their phones easily. However, Android is an operating system that is being used by many different brands. Android users might mix up their smartphones model easily, and if you are one of them, keep reading!

What kind of phone do I have: Here is your explanation

Normally, all phones include all the necessary information in the settings tab. Another way is to try looking at the phone itself, even though you will most likely need to check your settings, still. Let's see how to check both:

Check the phone

Most phones only have the manufacturer's logo or camera specs on the back. However, some carry detail about the phone. For instance, Blackberry's Bold model has its name "Bold" written on the back, and the phone has the brand logo at the front. However, it still lacks the information if it is a BB Bold 9900 or 9700. If you are using a case, take it out and check if there is any useful information written there. The camera layout might also suggest something.

If you ever asked yourself, "what kind of phone do I have?" but couldn't find an answer, check this guide out to see how to detect it!
BlackBerry Bold

Check settings

Checking settings is the most reliable and easy way. After taking out the case and still asking yourself, "what kind of phone do I have," this step will answer your question 100%. As there are two different widely-used operating software, here are two separate steps for Android and iOS. Follow the steps below to find the answer:


  1. Go to All Apps to find the Settings menu, or swipe up on the home screen and type Settings.
  2. Scroll down in Settings and tap "About phone." If you can't find it, use the search box at the top of your screen.
  3. Your phone's model will appear on your screen.


Even though there are fewer iOS-based smartphones due to Android, the model can still confuse people. If you are one of the iPhone users who wonder what kind of phone they use, check the steps below:

  1. On your home screen, find Settings. It should be on the first page by default.
  2. If you have changed it and can't find it, simply swipe down on the home screen and type Settings.
  3. Go to General in the Settings menu.
  4. Tap "About" at the top of your screen.
  5. You will see every necessary detail on your screen.
If you ever asked yourself, "what kind of phone do I have?" but couldn't find an answer, check this guide out to see how to detect it!
iPhone Settings page

You could also try using third-party apps, but the steps above will be enough to answer all the questions you have in your mind. Especially the about pages for both operating systems will give you all the information you need, plus a little more.

Here are more guides for you to check out:


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  1. boris said on April 4, 2023 at 7:51 pm

    So which BlackBerry do I have? I need to know ASAP. You posted a picture but no instructions.

  2. Roger W. said on April 3, 2023 at 10:26 pm

    I get the feeling all the articles excluding the ones by Martin are being written by an AI, an extremely dumb AI.

  3. dmacleo said on April 3, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    And in April GHacks became the BuzzFeed of tech sites.
    not sure I will bother to visit anymore.
    have a fking ball.

  4. John G. said on April 3, 2023 at 6:10 pm

    I don’t understand the question, what kind of phone, the brand, the system? Or what else? :S

  5. Deep_Fried_Desk said on April 3, 2023 at 4:41 pm

    How do I know if I have a phone?

    1. Anonymous said on April 3, 2023 at 4:41 pm

      Also, how do I know if I exist?

  6. basingstoke said on April 3, 2023 at 2:47 pm

    Bruh, this is a very strange article – I don’t have any words!

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