Windows 11 usage share continued to rise in February 2022

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 1, 2022
Windows 11 News

The usage share of Microsoft's Windows 11 operating system continued its rise in February 2022 according to AdDuplex. The usage share of newest version of Windows 10, Windows 10 version 21H2, increased as well.

windows 11 10 usage share adduplex

Third-party services track usage share changes of operating systems, as Microsoft does not release usage information. The numbers that the services provide are not exact: sources and methodology differ. While that is the case, they do provide information about trends.

Windows 11 jumped from 16.1% of all tracked systems in January 2022 to 19.3% of all systems in February 2022. The newest version of Windows 10, version 21H2, increased its usage share from 12.1% in January 2022 to 21% in February 2022. Previous versions of Windows saw a drop in usage share accordingly in that time.

A sizeable number of devices still run versions of Windows 10 that are no longer supported. Windows 10 version 2004 is on 7.9% of all systems according to AdDuplex's pie chart, even though it reached its end of support in June 2021.

AdDuplex's numbers are provided by about 5000 Microsoft Store applications that use the company's SDK. Microsoft Store is only available for Windows 10 and 11.

Statcounter, a company that provides counters for websites, reports jumps in usage share for Windows 11 as well. Last month, the company saw Windows 11 at 2.6%. This month, Windows 11 was at 7.88% according to the company. Windows 10 is still the dominating Windows operating system with a market share of 75.44%. Statcounter tracks hits on sites that use its counter scripts.

Closing Words

Both usage share tracking services saw an increase of Microsoft's Windows 11 operating system: a 3.2% jump recorded by AdDuplex and a 5.28% jump recorded by Statcounter. The figures are still apart, with AdDuplex seeing Windows 11 at a usage share of 19.3% and Statcounter the operating system at 7.88%.

Microsoft unlocked the operating system as an upgrade to all compatible devices in January 2022.

Windows 10 version 21H2 made an even bigger jump according to AdDuplex. The new version of Windows 10 jumped by 9.9% to 21%, speeding past Windows 11 in the process. The most used operating system version is still Windows 10 version 21H1 according to AdDuplex.

These figures need to be taken with a grain of salt, as they are not accurate. The trend is clear, however. Windows 11 continues to rise, and so does the latest version of Windows 10.

It will be interesting to see how far Windows 11 will rise in the coming years, considering that a sizeable, but not specified, part of all Windows devices are not compatible with the operating system. Windows 10 will run out of support in 2025, and many Windows devices may be stranded because of the differences in system requirements.

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Windows 11 usage share continued to rise in February 2022
Article Name
Windows 11 usage share continued to rise in February 2022
The usage share of Microsoft's Windows 11 operating system continued its rise in February 2022 according to AdDuplex. The usage share of newest version of Windows 10, Windows 10 version 21H2, increased as well.
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  1. John G. said on March 2, 2022 at 6:47 pm

    By the way, colors blue and yellow of the article’s cheese are for the flag of Ukraine? :o

  2. gfd said on March 2, 2022 at 4:24 pm

    it’s only a surprise if it falls. new machines will come with 11 and that share will only increase with time by default.

  3. Anonymous said on March 1, 2022 at 11:32 pm

    No one has time for Microsoft BS anymore. Everyone is going back to Windows 10. Even on newer devices on that come with it.

  4. Jonh G. said on March 1, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    There is no way to believe that W11 has a share market of 19% currently. Here in my class only two students, I myself and one friend of mine, are using now W11 (and even I am using it with Valinet’s Explorer Patcher to have the same productivity of W10). The other students are using W10, MacOS and Linux, the more are using W10. :[

    1. Anonymous said on March 2, 2022 at 12:40 am

      Don’t use your class as metric, in my office all new laptops are already in 11.

  5. JohnIL said on March 1, 2022 at 1:41 pm

    Got a couple PC’s on Windows 11 and one on Windows 10. Can’t say I have a preference between the two operating systems. Other than the UI changes I don’t see anything particularly impressive with Windows 11 over Windows 10. The only annoyance for me was the added push Microsoft did in Windows 11 to advance their ecosystem which emphasized using a Microsoft account and Microsoft apps. I think if you use alternatives to Microsoft products, stick with Windows 10.

  6. Paul(us) said on March 1, 2022 at 11:52 am

    Windows version 21H2 (OS Build 19044,1526) I am running right now!

    Still, Windows 11 looks not appealing at all to me.
    Maybe M$ will improve Windows 11 significantly and If not I will skip Windows 11 (Like Windows 8 and others) and look at Windows 12.
    But any Linux version at this point of time as the main operating system is looking more appealing, by the day.

    1. Dumbledalf said on March 1, 2022 at 12:49 pm

      That tendency is no longer true. Windows just keep getting worse. Just because there is no alternative to compare it to, people are becoming complacent and start thinking “less bad” is “good”.

      Windows XP and 7 were the pinnacles of Windows.

      Windows 8 was horrible, but Windows 10 was less horrible than Windows 8, so people started calling it “good”, which is not true, it’s still horrible. Windows 11 (which I’m currently using) is even worse than Windows 10, the only saving grace is the rounded corners and overall less ugly UI, but it’s worse.

      The thing is Windows 12 won’t be better than Windows 11, it will be EVEN WORSE. So it’s time to dispose of that outdated rhetoric that one version is bad and the next one is good and the next one bad again. That is nonsense.

      Windows was only good when it had some sort of competition, it was forced to be good, now that it has been established as the absolute monopoly of the PC market, Microsoft don’t have to make any effort to make it good – they can release whatever they want, no matter how bad, intrusive, restricting it can be, because they know full well people will still be using it, they have nowhere to run.

      Unless Steam Deck improves Linux support such as drivers and whatnot, Windows will never have a competition again. And something in my gut tells me Microsoft will make damn sure that Steam Deck fails or does not improve the situation for Linux, because they are afraid of having competition again.

      1. Anonymous said on March 2, 2022 at 12:39 am

        I agree with you but I think XP is still the best. The only improvement of 7 over XP is the file copier for me. XP only use 350mb on startup while 7 used almost 2GB. XP also starts really fast compared to 7.

        The new Windows is no longer usable with HDD, SSD price is still expensive for its size(I prefer 2TB of HDD than 512GB of SSD).

      2. Dumbledalf said on March 2, 2022 at 9:22 am


        That is the problem with Windows – it’s a flawed OS and it has always been, they slap a new coat of paint for every new version, but deep underneath, it’s still the same bloated and broken mess stitched together with chewing gum.

        Microsoft never had a desire to fix the backend of things, they just rely on newer and more powerful hardware to carry their broken OS. I was thinking about that since for years, I had a slow PC and I had to rely on junk cleaners and frequent reinstalling to keep things fast and it dawned on me that ever since I bought a powerful PC, I’ve not had those problems again. It doesn’t mean that the newer versions of Windows don’t suffer from that, quite the opposite – they are even more bloated and slower if you use them on an old PC. I have installed Windows 11 on an old PC that’s unsupported and for the first 1-2 weeks, it starts working fast, but after that it becomes unbearably slow, the PC has i5 2500 (or 2500K, not sure).

        To summarize it with a few words: Windows is a bloated and buggy piece of garbage and it won’t get any better from now on – only worse and Microsoft are tying the noose tighter on users since they are a monopoly and they can do whatever they want.

  7. Dumbledalf said on March 1, 2022 at 8:46 am


    This website used to load instantaneously, now it has become bloated and it takes 1-2 seconds to load, whereas previously it loaded in under 1 second.

    All those stupid changes to it, like how the main page was made ugly and useless, forcing people to use just to get back to how it was just made it worse.

    Fix your horrible website.

    1. Anonymous said on March 2, 2022 at 5:09 pm

      Absolutely agree.

    2. ULBoom said on March 1, 2022 at 1:40 pm

      Considerably faster for me than a week or two ago but still a bit slow.

    3. Tom Hawack said on March 1, 2022 at 10:27 am

      @Dumbledalf, indeed :

      Latest Performance Report for: [] | GTmetrix

      GTmetrix Grade : E
      Performance : 42%

      It’s been for years Grade : A
      This is what happens with some owners of a site.

      Not to mention privacy :

      Blacklight Search Results – The Markup

      9 Ad trackers found on this site. This is more than the average of seven that we found on popular sites.
      16 Third-party cookies were found. This is more than the average of three that we found on popular sites.

      I really feel sorry for Martin, not his fault but that of the owner. But enough is enough.

    4. Anonymous said on March 1, 2022 at 9:50 am


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