Cookie Quick Manager is a Firefox extension that lets you Search, Delete, Protect site-specific cookies

Firefox users know that there are many ways to protect their online privacy. One extension that can help you with this is Cookie Quick Manager.
You may consider it as an alternative to Cookie AutoDelete or Forget Me Not which provide similar functionality.
Visit any web page and click on the Cookie Quick Manager button on the Firefox toolbar to view the add-on's menu; it displays six options. The first one is Manage All Cookies which opens the manager dashboard in a new tab in the browser. The dashboard lists each and every cookie that has been stored by your browser. Use the search bar to quickly find a particular website's cookie to manage it.
The Context option indicates whether the cookie is stored in the default container or your custom container. Yes, it works with Mozilla's Multi-Account Containers extension (which if you aren't using already, you really should consider for protecting your online privacy).
Select a cookie on the left panel to view its information, domain, context, and other information. You can edit the cookies to use only http or secure, or set them to expire at a specific time and date of your choice. Right-click on a cookie to view a context menu. You can use it copy the cookie information to the clipboard or save it to a JSON file. The Protect option is a whitelist mode that protects selected cookies; useful if you don't want certain cookies, e.g. those that handle session information, to be deleted. If you wish to clear the protected cookies, select them and click on the Unprotect option.
Note: Cookies that are protected can be identified by the have a padlock icon that's displayed in the "Cookies" panel (center of the screen).
The browser toolbar icon has options to delete all cookies, only those dropped by the website you're on, all context cookies (includes sub-domains), and the site's local data stored by Firefox.
Warning: If you use Firefox's Options to delete the browsing data, it will delete all the cookies. The extension does not prevent the deletion, so if you wish to protect the cookies, you should use the extensions cookie deletion option.
The delete option can be used to clear a site's cookies directly from the dashboard. The copy to container menu lets you save a cookie from one container to another. For e.g. if you have logged in to Google, Twitter, Amazon or other sites, you can use the option to copy them to a different container (use Mozilla's add-on to create more containers) before selecting the cookie's context (container) and delete the one(s) you don't need (for e.g. default, Personal, etc). The toolbar at the bottom left lets you delete all cookies, export/import cookie and domain date. The buttons on the right essentially perform the same functions as the options in the context menu.
Cookie Quick Manager has a Settings page that you can access from the menu, or from the Firefox add-ons page. There is a setting which you can enable to delete cookies automatically when you restart the browser (Options > Privacy), but remember you'll have to manually "Protect" the cookies that you wish to preserve.
The Settings page is also home to a built-in backup tool for saving and restore the extension's settings, which is useful in case you reinstall Firefox. The extension has a few keyboard shortcuts.
Cookie Quick Manager is an open source extension. It's also available for the Android version of Firefox.
Do you use a cookie managers and containers to protect your privacy?

Am using Cookie Quick Manager and recently a couple cookies are showing up with a blue “fingerprint” icon (next to the number of cookies from that domain in a black circle), but there’s no explanation of what that might mean.
Anybody know? If so, please post a reply. Would love to know if it’s OK to leave it or if it should be deleted for privacy’s sake!
On some of my configurations I use Site Bleacher by wooque and can say that in some respects it works better than Cookie AutoDelete or Forget Me Not. No idea why Ghacks still hasn’t covered it.
I use “lowcarb”. Clean, simple and really works….just keeps (in a nice blue colour) the cookies you’ve asked to protect, and each time you start Firefox, all other cookies that had accumulated are all gone, leaving just your protected ones.
The only two truly “reliable” cookie extensions are Temporary Containers and First Party Isolation (technically not an extension).
To quote ghacks user.js: “APIs do not exist to allow clearing IndexedDB, Service Workers cache, appCache, or cache by host. Clearing cookies & localStorage on their own, and leaving orphaned persistent data is a false sense of privacy.”
The only cookie extension which works correctly for me is cookie exterminator in pale moon.When i leave a domain i want everything deleted,local storage the lot.Only cookie auto delete comes close in firefox.
Interesting, definitely worth a try. And I like that you can combine that with containers which I thought it already came in installed by default?
I haven’t found a cookie extension that has equivalent functionality to the Cookie Controller classic extension, since Mozilla has decided that user controlled code should no longer be given the opportunity to have full control on cookie permissions.
I’ve found Cookiebro – Cookie Manager: which comes the closest to the function of Cookie Controller.
Basically you need to do the following:
1. Go into the Options/Settings of the Cookiebro addon and enable the option: Enable blacklist filtering.
2. Scroll down to Blacklist Settings (Block), and add the following blocking rule: *.*
3. That’s it! Now whenever you visit a website where you want to allow cookies, click the Cookiebro icon in the toolbar and add the website to the whitelist.
I forgot to link this: this is the 4 year old bug asking for webextensions to be able to control per-site cookie permissions, “Implement contentSettings API for cookies”
Privacy bugs not being a priority at Mozilla… Where do they put those Google millions, in developing VR tools maybe ?
I have looked at Cookiebro and it seems that it has the same problem as all cookie webextensions: the per-domain cookie blocking managed by the extension does not translate into an actual change of the cookie/storage permission in the native per-domain permission manager, because (for no good reason) webextensions are not allowed to do that. As a result, per-domain cookie block by webexts typically relies on often unreliable tricks like clearing cookie headers and trying to outrun site javascript code in deleting cookies before they are used when they are created through javascript. And while the native storage permission affects many forms of storage beyond cookies, even blocking service workers, those webextension unreliable tricks work for cookies only.
It’s almost like if with the webext standard they didn’t want users to be able to easily manage themselves per domain storage permissions, making it a multi click inconvenience natively, and forbidding webextensions to make it easier…
You are mistaken. chrome.cookies API will let you manage cookies without any “tricks” or header management. Check the API.
Extensions don’t have access to browser’s native cookie settings but you don’t want to use both. Allow all cookies in browser settings and let the extension take care of things.
I use cookie autodelete on both ff and brave in auto mode, set up once for a site and you are done. I’ve never had a need to search, copy or save cookies, do non-developers ever do that?
Cookie AutoDelete is much better i think. There you can whitelist cookies for sites so they won’t be deleted (for search engine/site settings).
It also deletes every cookie if you close the session/tab or change domain after a given time. This way you don’t have to manually clear them ever again.
No more 3rd party or tracking cookie on your machine. Poor google.
I went with ForgetMeNot as well. I tried all the others and like this one the best.
FYI I was using Cookie AutoDelete in Firefox, and the other day I was looking at my browser data and noticed that there were quite a few cookies and a substantial amount of local storage saved for a number of websites that I had definitely not whitelisted (I double-checked my Cookie AutoDelete settings just to be sure they were correct). I’m not sure what was going on, but if you’re not doing it already then you should check your browser data periodically to be sure that Cookie AutoDelete is working correctly.
I ended up switching to Forget Me Not and configuring Firefox to delete local storage when the browser closes, and all’s well so far.
Wow! Thanks.
The only unremovable (by Cookie AutoDelete) cookie i have found is set by mozilla ( and after changing the deletion to instantly it worked (the site too so it is absolutely unnecessary).
What if other sites could create those “sticky/unremovable” cookies too? The dream of google!
There are plenty of ways to set “supercookies” and “fingerprint” your browser. The stupid EU regulation on cookies has only accelerated this.