Gog.com Black Friday Sale has started

Most online gaming platforms run sales on Black Friday. While Valve's Steam platform is probably the biggest for PC, it is not the only one. Gog.com, best known for its assortment of classic DRM-free games has a Black Friday sale of its own. Over 2000 games for PC, Linux or Mac OS X are discounted on the platform currently.
While you won't find the majority of recent major game releases on the platform, you will find a good selection of classic games and some major titles thrown into the mix.
As always, I scanned the discounted games to present you with a list of games that I think are great and even better for the discounted price they are available currently.
- A Plague Tale: Innocent (€22.49) -- A recently released adventure game with stealth and action elements. The game has been received well
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered (€5.29) -- One of the best Lucasarts adventure games. Not sure which one I like the most, probably the Indiana Jones games, or Monkey Islands? All discounted.
- Druidstone the secret of the Menhir Forest (€10.49) -- A turn-based strategy game featuring hand-crafted missions from the makers of Legend of Grimrock.
- Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (€6.09) -- Considered to be better than Fallout III, the game that came before it, Fallout New Vegas is heralded as one of the best parts of the series.
- Gabriel Knight Sins of the Father Anniversary Edition (€6.09) -- I still remember when I played the original back in the days with a friend; fascinating adventure game. The second and third part are also discounted.
- Star Wars Knights of the old Republic (€3.19) and Star Wars Knights of the old Republic II (€3.19) -- Two of the best Star Wars roleplaying games of all times (maybe the best).
- Warcraft I and II bundle (€11.49) -- Warcraft I and II are excellent RTS games; while I cannot stand playing Warcraft I anymore, it is Warcraft II that is as excellent as ever (and it paved the way for Dota, Tower Defense games and a lot more).
- XIII (€4.29) -- A wonderful first person shooter based on the comics and featuring cell-shading graphics; this is a must have if you like shooters.
Gog users don't need to download and use the Gog Galaxy client as it is completely optional. The software supports a number of useful features, including the ability to manage and start games on other platforms.
Closing Words
Gog is an excellent platform, especially if you want to play classic games but also for users who prefer DRM-free games that they can run regardless of whether the service they purchased the game on is still available.
Now You: Do you play games? Any games you can recommend that are not Triple-A titles?

Black Friday, not quite successful here in France with the argument that the business flatters unneeded consumption. Meanwhile the country eats like 10 at Xmas & New Year. Go figure it out … contradiction is the honest man’s evil :=)
@Tom Hawack:
Here in the US, I am amongst the rather large number of people who consider Black Friday to be a day to avoid going to any store at all costs. The whole thing is just insane, and the best way to cope is to avoid leaving the house. I also avoid online Black Friday things as well, pretty much by simple extension.
So, for me and a lot of others, Black Friday is really a vacation from consumerism, not a celebration of it.
A shame that all the Elder Scrolls games except Skyrim are here. No DRM free edition of Skyrim…
A plague Tale: Innocence Is an absolutely beautiful game. A must have for any collection
Fallout NV – There’s a major overhaul for FO4 in the works, it’s basically Fallout New Vegas redone with the Fallout 4 engine and graphics. (http://f4nv.com/) It will require you have both games so it should be worth grabbing this one while it’s on sale if your a Fall Out fan.
It is a fan development project? Sounds great.