Sublime Text 3.0 is out

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 15, 2017
Updated • Sep 15, 2017

Sublime Text 3.0 is the new version of the cross-platform code and markup editor that features an UI refresh among other new features.

The new version is out for all supported operating systems already -- Windows, OS X and Linux -- and may be downloaded from the official Sublime Text website.

Users who run the editor on their systems may run a manual check for updates by selecting the option from the help menu.

The last major update of the editor dates back to July 2013 which makes the release even more important, and especially so for existing users.

Sublime Text 3.0

sublime text 3.0

So, what is new in Sublime Editor 3.0? The announcement by Jon Skinner is just a paragraph long, but it highlights some of the most important changes in the new version.

Compared to the last beta, 3.0 brings a refreshed UI theme, new color schemes, and a new icon. Some of the other highlights are big syntax highlighting improvements, touch input support on Windows, Touch Bar support on macOS, and apt/yum/pacman repositories for Linux.

The full changelog is available on the download page. Here is a short list of important changes in the new version:

  • Refreshed UI theme, including full high DPI support
  • Linux: Added repositories for apt, yum and pacman
  • Mac: Added Touch Bar support
  • Windows: Added touch input
  • Improvements to C#, Java, Python, R and Markdown syntax highlighting.
  • Improved C# and Markdown symbol handling.
  • Improved responsiveness in high-load scenarios.
  • Improved sidebar performance if folders contain a lot of --thousands -- files.
  • Improved font selection on all platforms.
  • Improved auto-indent rules for HTML and PHP
  • Files can be renamed if only the case changes.
  • Many bug fixes.

Sublime Text 3.0 comes with an alternate theme, called Adaptive, which users of the editor may enable. It uses, better inherits, colors from the color scheme. The new version of the editor comes with three new colors schemes on top of that.

You may switch between themes and color schemes with a click on preferences and the selection of themes or color schemes from the menu. This opens a theme and color schemes switcher, and an option to live preview the changes.

You can check out the full list of changes on the program's website. Sublime Text 3.0 is a commercial program. A free trial version is provided however that you may install to test it before you make a buying decision.

Now You: What's your primary text/code editor?

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  1. Alican said on October 5, 2017 at 4:02 am

    notepad++ is a good fella.

  2. Kalpesh P said on September 20, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    +1 for
    “Improved auto indent rules for HTML and PHP”
    “Many other syntax highlighting improvements”
    – Sublime Text 3

  3. Ronnie said on September 19, 2017 at 10:50 pm

    Atom skinned to look like Sublime. VS Code gets a nod, too.

  4. txt said on September 18, 2017 at 5:11 pm

    I haven’t tried Sublime but I’d be interested to hear a sales pitch from someone who uses it. The price of USD $80 is quite hefty for a code editor, especially when there are high quality free alternatives.

  5. Josh Gunderson said on September 16, 2017 at 11:52 pm

    For text editing on Windows I’ve been using TextPad for years, but quite liking Visual Studio Code lately.
    In Linux I prefer Nano for command line, or just use the one that comes with the DE, e.g. gedit, Pluma, Xed.

    For actual coding I usually use an IDE, e.g. Visual Studio, NetBeans, MonoDevelop.

  6. Earl said on September 16, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    I use the Caret Chrome app–based on Ace but with a Sublime feel to it.

  7. Anonymous said on September 16, 2017 at 8:12 am

    Vault7 Key

  8. Nigel said on September 16, 2017 at 3:04 am

    On Ubuntu MATE: gVim or Pluma
    On Windows: gVim or VS Code

    As I’m not a programmer, I use them mostly for plain text. The key bindings of vim, once you get used to, are very handy. I also use the vim plugin for VS code.

    Though using a mouse sometimes is more convenient, then I’ll use Pluma or VS Code instead.

  9. bugsy said on September 15, 2017 at 4:17 pm

    Atom FTW.


    1. Lee said on October 1, 2017 at 9:56 pm

      No, thanks. I’m sick and tired of these Electron “apps”, which perform as well as if they were programmed in Adobe AIR. Flash may be dead, but we now have Electron. Yay?

    2. e202 said on September 16, 2017 at 10:19 am

      Maybe if it wasn’t as bloated as it currently is due to running on a web browser.

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