Twitter Profile changes on 12.12.12

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 11, 2012
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Companies, Internet, Twitter

I'm probably the only tech blogger in the universe who is not using Twitter as a way of communicating with his audience or sending out tweets about new blog posts and stuff all the time. I must have missed Twitter's announcement that new profile pages were being rolled out for all users. Today's announcement that the new profiles would be activated for all users caught my attention however.

This is not such a drastic change as Facebook's switch from regular profiles to Timeline profiles, but it is still worth to be mentioned as it may affect you as well. There are two options that you have in addition to what you were able to do before. The first and probably biggest change is the new header image that is displayed on top of your profile page on Twitter. This looks like this when configured:

If you do not upload a header image until December 12 you will see a gray header area instead where your current Twitter profile icon is displayed in.

To add the header image on Twitter click on the options button next to search and there on the settings link in the context menu. You can alternatively click on this link here to be taken there directly.

Click on change header and pick a header image for your Twitter profile page. Twitter recommends that the header has a size of at least 1252x626 pixels. You can zoom in or out of the uploaded header image and move it around a bit until it fits perfectly. Once done refresh your profile page and you should see the new header live on site.

You may also want to click on design while you are in the settings to modify the design of your profile page to reflect the change. Here you can pick one of the preset themes for the page or upload a custom background and pick the background position, color and link color manually instead.

The new profile will be available and editable on all supported devices.

Here is a demo video the Twitter team uploaded to YouTube that highlights the change.

It is a slim change in my opinion, nothing as major as Facebook's Timeline profile. It should not really irritate a lot of Twitter users when they first come into contact with the change. What's your opinion on the change?


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  1. teresa said on December 16, 2012 at 6:46 pm

    thank u

  2. bennix said on December 11, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    Sounds cool Martin,ty for sharing..:)

  3. Transcontinental said on December 11, 2012 at 10:17 am

    Well, gHack’s header image is sleek :)
    Thanks for the info.

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