Super iGoogle, Optimize iGoogle's Layout To Save Space

Update: Google has retired iGoogle. Check out these alternatives.
Google's customizable start page iGoogle is nice and all, as it gives users options to create their own unique homepage on the Internet. It is a module driven system where users can add modules like news, weather reports or applications to their page.
The layout is however less than optimal for low screen resolution systems like netbooks, tablets or smartphones.
The default homepage for instance does not fit vertically on a computer monitor running a 1920x1200 resolution. Imagine how that looks like on a netbook or tablet with half that resolution.
While it is possible to cut down on the gadgets on the page to reduce the space requirements, it means at the same time that less information are displayed on the page.
If you look around, you will notice other areas of improvement, the large header, sidebar or footer areas for instance.
There is no option to remove the static contents from the iGoogle homepage, or at least reduce the height or width. The userscript Super iGoogle changes that. It hides the header, sidebar and footer area of the iGoogle page by default, and offers options to display the modules again should they be needed.
The default homepage after installation of the Super iGoogle userscript looks like this.
As you can see, the header, sidebars and footer area have been removed from the page. The functionality of the page remains the same, it is still possible to move modules around. The only difference is that the modules can now use the full height and width of the screen, with the exception of the small header bar on top of the screen.
Some users may want to retain one of the removed areas, the sidebar for instance or the header. A click on the options button at the upper right corner of the screen displays options to display the hidden page elements again.
A click on one of the elements displays it instantly on the page. It is alternatively possible to use one of the shortcuts to display and hide the elements.
- Display the header with the shortcut Alt-1
- Display the sidebar with the shortcut Alt-2
- Display the footer with the shortcut Alt-3
- Display a mini-search element with Alt-4
Users who do not want the big header but a search on their iGoogle page can display the mini search module instead to search the Google Search engine from their iGoogle page.
Super iGoogle is a userscript. It has been tested under Firefox with the Greasemonkey extension installed. It may run on other web browsers as well, but that has not been tested.
I’ve been using a combination of Stylish and greasemonkey scripts to tame my iGoogle, as well as Platypus to lop off the stupid left toolbar.
This looks like it might be a better solution, thanks for the heads up.
Yes it is a nice solution that works really well. I like the shortcuts especially to quickly show or hide modules. Very handy.
Thank you!
It is also available as a Google Chrome extension:
And a Firefox add-on (no Greasemonkey required!):