CleanHaven Is A Multi-Platform Text Cleaner

Text can be made available in different formats, a basic example would be THIS and this. It is the same word but the first is using uppercase letters while the second lowercase. Different formatting options and styles can change the way text is displayed without changing the meaning of the words. That's usually not a problem in an informal chat, on a forum or email to a friend but could become a problem in work environments, business contexts or when sending someone a text that needs to be processed further.
CleanHaven is a multi-platform text cleaner that has been designed for specifically that purpose. It basically works by pasting text into the interface, selecting the cleanup options and starting the cleanup process afterwards.

Available cleanup options include case related changes (title case, upper- or lowercase, curly quotes..), changing the sort order (ascending, descending, random..), duplicates removal (remove all, only duplicates, only unique), character removals (excess returns and spaces, linefeeds, non-ASCII, tabs..), personal details (email addresses, full names, phone numbers..) and spelling changes.
Options can be combined and changed on the fly in the program. CleanHaven could for instance prove useful to remove confidential or personal information from a text before it is send to another party.
The cleaned up text is displayed in a second window from where it can be copied and pasted easily. The text can be modified again by making changes to the initial cleanup options.
CleanHaven offers text replacement options as well. It offers a basic find and replace module to replace text in a pasted document easily.
The program does not provide options to load text documents or process text in batch mode. This options along with clipboard integration would be useful additions to the software.
CleanHaven is available for Linux, Mac and windows on the developers website at Holy Mackerel Software. (via Free Download A Day)
thanks for the post, i’ve been looking for an app like this for AGES