Foxit Reader 4.0 Released
Foxit Reader is a popular choice among computer users who prefer a lightweight pdf reading solution. It is not the only pdf reader that provides this, alternatives are the portable software Sumatra, Nitro PDF Reader, Adobe Reader Lite, a dev version of the Google Chrome web browser that comes with basic pdf support or one of the available online pdf reading solutions provided by services such as Google Docs or Zoho.
The developers of Foxit Reader have just released version 4.0 of their pdf reader. Foxit Reader 4.0 now includes additional free features such as document collaboration, commenting tools, spell checking, multi-level security and multimedia support.
In the past, premium PDF features such as these have been associated with a premium price tag. Today, Foxit is offering its powerful PDF technology platform, complete with premium features that go beyond the basic reading of PDF documents, as an upgrade at no cost. Built on Foxit’s trusted PDF technology platform, Foxit Reader 4.0 has an easy-to-use navigation system that promises users rapid downloading of PDF documents, reliable viewing and printing options, a tiny desktop footprint, single or multiple document interface modes and rapid response security releases. Now, even more users may take advantage of the Foxit Reader’s powerful framework to implement PDF solutions to reach their business goals.
One of the recent additions is the Trust Manager, which protects the user from potentially dangerous actions and data transmissions. This feature has now been added to the installation process. The actual feature was already part of previous Foxit Reader versions.
It is recommended to select the custom install option to prevent the installation of the Ask Toolbar and eBay shortcuts.
Features that have been added or enhanced in Foxit Reader 4.0 are:
- Easy-to-use review and commenting tools - Add comments or suggestions using notes. Highlight, underline, or use one of many other tools to bring attention to specific text. Easily correct mistakes by cancelling the last action with Redo & Undo feature.
- New editing tools include Typewriter, Callout, Textbox, and Measure tools - Add your comments on your PDF document. Use Typewriter Tool to fill forms. Create comments in a callout text box. Measure distances and areas of objects in PDF documents.
- Free spell checker for comments - Find any spelling errors and highlight them with squiggly lines.
- Multimedia Support: Add Images, Movies, Links and file attachments to any PDF document - Add /Edit /Play multimedia in PDF files - Add an image to a PDF; adjust its size, and position, change the appearance, etc... Attach PDF files and other types of files to a PDF document.
- Text Viewer & Text Converter - View the whole text content of a PDF file. Convert a whole PDF document into a simple text file
- Add/Edit/Modify Bookmarks - Easily modify the bookmarks in a PDF file.
- Safe Mode Settings in Installation - Set Safe Mode settings during initial installation. Streamline the workflow by setting the option of Safe Reading Mode. Enhanced secure user experience. Enhance protection when receiving a PDF file.
The good news is that the new features do not slow down the pdf reader. It opens pdf as fast as in previous versions. Especially users who do not use a pdf reader just for reading documents will benefit from these new additions.
Foxit Reader 4.0 is available for download at the Foxit website.
Update: Foxit Reader 5.0 has been released
Update 2: Read our Foxit Reader 5.4.
Tried it and imho they don’t live up to the promise: as I see on the Process Lasso CPU meter the application consumes pretty more CPU when I’m holding Page Down and do this slower. It’s better that STDU Viewer, for example, but still slower that previous app version.
Returned to 3.1
Have you ever tried pdf x-change viewer. I have used it extensively and am quite impressed. It is an excellent free alternative with many of the features named above. The default menu shows pro options, but those can be turned off so you aren’t nagged to upgrade. It is my pdf viewer of choice, at least until Okular for Windows grows up.
I found that the PDF-XChange is the best, and nice, and fas to use. Foxit is good alternative to Adobe too. I tried it but now I use PDF-XChange Viewer. I like it.
Thanks, Martin. Confirms what I was saying, not at all as slick as with Adobe. Take for instance the text “1.7.3 Installing a DIMM” on example pic 17863463, well see how the graphic is teared, like the second “l” of “Installing” ? In Adobe, much nicer, smoother.
That’s very kind of you, Martin. Any plain text I think would be fine, just to compare. As I said, with a previous Foxit (2.x something I think), the font rendering was just lousy when the same file of course rendered splendidly with Adobe’s reader, as usual.
Take a look at these screenshots,19007853/pdf1.png,18386958/pdf2.png,17863463/pdf3.png
Has Foxit’s font rendering improved ? I recall having reversed to Adobe Reader simply for that reason.
I’m not sure about the font rendering, maybe you can take a look and let everyone know?
Frankly, I was counting on the experience of someone who had already installed this latest Foxit Reader 4, because getting it installed only to check this point requires less heat than today :)
Well i can create some screenshots of it rendering text, would that help? Anything specific that you would like to see?