Windows Live Mail Minimizer

Windows Live Mail is a messaging software that is part of Microsoft Windows Live. Windows Live Mail has replaced Outlook Express in Windows 7.
Windows Live Mail users who work with the messaging program on a day to day basis might have noticed that it is not possible to minimize the program to the system tray. Clicking the minimize button in Windows Live Mail simply replaces the program window with an active icon in the Windows Taskbar.
Some users might prefer to have the software minimized in the system tray instead. This can be done with the portable software Windows Mail Minimizer.
Windows Mail Minimizer adds its icon to the Windows system tray upon startup. A right-click on the icon displays a context menu with options to hide the Windows Live Mail window which places it in the system tray. The context menu offers additional shortcuts to writing a new email and sending or receiving emails.
Windows Live Mail will still display notifications whenever new messages arrive in the mailbox.
Windows Mail Minimizer can be downloaded from the developer's homepage. The program is compatible with most 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows.
Update: As reader Shatimi suggested it is also possible to minimize Windows Live Mail without a third party tool. All that needs to be done is to run Windows Live Mail in Windows Vista compatibility mode and right-click the system tray icon once the minimize button has been pressed to select Hide window when minimized from the menu.
Update 2: The developer website is no longer available, and it is likely that the application is no longer maintained or updated. You can use the suggestion posted above instead which should also work under Windows 7. We have uploaded the latest version of Windows Live Mail Minimizer to our servers: (Download Removed)
i do not see a link do you mean Windows Mail Minimizer 0.1 download thru
here you go
Wait… Are you serious? Are you reallyb trying to say that “it is not possible to minimize the program to the system tray” and only “the portable software Windows Mail Minimizer” will minimize this mail client?!! C’mon… Is this a Ghacks or a Gn00bs site?
Run Windows Live Mail client in Vista compatability mode. Select “Hide window when minimized” option when you right-click on the Windows Live Mail icon in the System Tray. End of story.