RSS Feed To PDF Newspaper

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 27, 2010
Updated • Aug 4, 2016
Software, Windows software

Your Own News Maker is a free program for Windows and Linux that turns RSS news feed article into PDF or FB2 documents for offline reading.

RSS feeds are a great way of staying in the loop when it comes to new content being posted on websites you are subscribed to. Feeds basically update whenever new content is published on a subscribed website. This makes it a comfortable solution as you don't need to visit the site regularly to find out about new content posted on it.

RSS feeds require a reader to manage and display the feeds. Most modern web browsers come with that option, but there are also online and offline RSS readers like Google Reader QuiteRSS, RSS Owl and many more RSS readers that can be freely used for that purpose.

Your Own News Maker

Your Own News Maker is a very specialized form of RSS reader as its main purpose is not to act as a reader, but to turn feedss into pdf or fb2 format for offline reading.

Multiple RSS feeds can be added to the program as sources. The software pulls the latest articles of the RSS feeds automatically and displays the titles in the content column afterwards.

If you would hit the make pdf or make fb2 button right now, you would create a file that only contains titles and links to the articles but not the articles itself.

The page rules wizard needs to be used to select the part of the content that you want included in the pdf or fb2 document. A click on that button will open the selected article in html view with all html and script elements displayed. You need to find the position in the html document where the content starts and ends.

It is furthermore possible to clear all html tags in the output and define the parser rules. Parser rules are used to define the content that is included in the pdf newspaper. The program fills that out automatically based on the content selection in the first step of the process.

A click on the pdf or fb2 button will then generate the document and display it in a preview window. A click on the ok button opens the save file dialog window to save the pdf to the local computer system.

Your Own News Maker is an interesting program to turn RSS feeds into pdf or fb2 documents. The content selection is slightly complicated and I ran into the problem that the ad beneath the content was included in the document even though it was not selected in the process.

The program is available as a portable version or installer for the Windows operating system as well as Linux.

Update: Your Own News Maker is no longer available. There does not seem to be a comparable solution available at this point in time unfortunately. We have uploaded the latest working version of the application to our own server. Please note that we don't support it in any way. Click on the following link to download it: (Download Removed)

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  1. Vanillaman said on March 31, 2010 at 10:34 am

    Martin, as much as we all appreciate the info, you really do need to carefully review the information you provide before sending it out, as you don’t half make it difficult for people sometimes. We eventually had to give up on the elusive RSS Feed To PDF Newspaper.

    This is just friendly advice. Not having a dig.

    1. Martin said on March 31, 2010 at 10:38 am

      What happened?

  2. screen said on March 27, 2010 at 11:44 pm
  3. paan said on March 27, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    i can’t find download link at your post and at google code project website..

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